Interesting opinions all. Since my first licensed two wheel, motorized cycle in 1960, I think I've moved through many of the opinions expressed herein.
I'm now at the point that its ATGATT. And its not really because I ride a motorcycle that produces over 140 horsepower at the rear wheel. Nor is it because, traffic conditions permitting, I will accept a challenge from any vehicle, two wheeled or four. Its because I've found over the years that the soccer mom with eight kids in the minivan and a cell phone stuck to her ear, the sixteen year old with four friends in the car, intently texting her latest boyfriend, the drunk who thinks that stop sign is merely a suggestion, or the deer and elk that seem intent on launching themselves into my path, could care less what type of motorcycle I ride, or how much horsepower it makes.
Yes, a serious accident can take your life regardless of the gear you're wearing. But, a lesser accident resulting in nothing more that bumping your head on the curb can leave you in the care of your loved ones for the rest of your (and maybe their) life. A low speed slide through that antifreeze puddle can result in some damage to the bike, or it can result in skin grafts.
The gear you wear can't be guaranteed to save your life or to prevent serious injury. Its just a matter odds. Everyone plays them as they see them.
Oh and yes, its over 110 degrees here today and will be so for the next 3-4 months. If its too hot for the proper gear, its too hot to ride.
Again, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.