Gripes, pet peeves and riddles


.060 Over
Mar 25, 2010
Western New York
What makes bikers think that a sidewalk is an acceptable place to park?

Hey Harley guy, why the heck do you blip your throttle at the stoplight?

Don't people know that revving your bike when you first start it up is bad for the engine?

Shorts on a sports bike - dumb, shorts on a cruiser with pipes two inches from your leg - dumber.

Black leather jacket, boots, full finger gloves, no helmet ?!?

Full face helmet, shorts, tank top and sandals ?!?
What makes bikers think that a sidewalk is an acceptable place to park?

Hey Harley guy, why the heck do you blip your throttle at the stoplight?

Don't people know that revving your bike when you first start it up is bad for the engine?

Shorts on a sports bike - dumb, shorts on a cruiser with pipes two inches from your leg - dumber.

Black leather jacket, boots, full finger gloves, no helmet ?!?

Full face helmet, shorts, tank top and sandals ?!?

Bikes tip over on tar not on concrete

Blipping throttle is only way to keep a harley running

Reving motor see above

No helmet cuz we can :eek:)
Over here in the UK we have developed from pavement (sidewalk) to really neat long narrow car parking areas along each side of the road, pedestrians now jog along the roadways.

The Harley winding the throttle at the red light - well what do you expect,- he bought a bloody Harley didn't he

As for revving the bike at start up being a bad thing - No they don't know or care, has anyone ever told them, they wouldn't believe it anyway.

As for the not wearing protective gear, well I think I look a bigger pratt with gravel rash than I do in leather (but leathers' just a kinky thing) anyway are we going to miss these idiots that think they are invincible, someone needs to tell them that biking is not the fashion world & looking cool is really about not wearing scars & not about not wearing protection. We can tell the ones who did it years ago, they are the ones walking around (or not) wearing no skin as they've left it somewhere on the tarmac.
Shorts and sandals is just stupid your asking for trouble
Helmet is a choice like driving a convertable with the top down all there good for in my opinion is to identify the body !!!!

Yes i have totaled a rocket wearing no helmet and live to tell about it . Doctors told me if i was wearing a helmet at the time i would have broken my neck instead of losing some hair and a bit of scalp and yes the leather coat was in the saddle bag and my helmet was on the sissy bar

Just my opinion
do it right

Bikers are almost never rocket scientists...even if they do ride Rocket 3's, among other brands. Ya can't expect much. Cagers are no better and bicyclists are far worse. Think of it as culling the herd from time to time when some toad does something rash, ignorant, insipid or foolhardy and hope none of this nonsense impacts you and yours directly:) I pick my rides with care and reserve and never ride with crowds...crowd scenes always breed ignorant BS. Ego can be problematic...hence the motor revving horse-scat from HD pretenders. Ride your own ride, man. The world is watching you on that bike; show them all it can be done right:cool:
shield's up Scotty!

Wish the world was was watching me then maybe the little old lady in the cage would have seen me and my bike before we both went over her car .
Yet another incentive for excessive and bright bling aplenty, loud jackets, chrome helmets (I use one), stebel/air horns, lots of LED accent lights for night's out, and perhaps that FORCE FIELD that's way overdue:D
Yea i loved my graphite rocket rocket i thought it was stealthy turns out i was right a little too stealthy she said she never saw me but then she would have had to look first :)
but then she would have had to look first :)

That is the problem, people don't look. I am lucky to have not (yet) been in a car/bike accident but I have had 3 accidents and each time the other drive said they never saw me. I don't think they looked. The first one I was driving a transport truck with a Cat on back. Lady pulled out of a fast food joint right in front of me, never even got to brake before hitting her. She told officer she had no idea where I came from as I wasn't there when she looked before pulling out. If people can't see a truck, with yellow flagging and rotating strobes they won't see your bike no matte how much bling you put on it.