Grief about owning a British bike?

Frankfurt Airport - Down the stairs near the bus stops - Dr Müllers Sex Shop.
If you are in transit - it's (well it was) easy enough to get airport security to walk you out of the terminal and back.
And the local Harley dealer sell some STUFFED riding jeans to go along with the rest of the Tough guy HD Holloween 1% costume WOW is nothing sacred LOL
I used to be in a LE Club. Not for me. Too many rules, I thought we rode to get away from rules. I just want to ride and love. Anyone need a hug?
Buy me drinky girls ? (France)
Hello! - Welcome - please! girls (Karon Beach Thailand) - well I say girls - they were a fair bit older.
Just around the corner from the more exotic looking "Blue Moon" lady-boy club.
Tough choice on your honeymoon. As it turned out the "Hello!" girls just wanted to sell drinks. So my bottom was saved.

My guess is the Tsunami wiped them all out. Sad!
I used to be in a LE Club. Not for me. Too many rules, I thought we rode to get away from rules. I just want to ride and love. Anyone need a hug?

When we chartered our present VFW Riders Group there was initial discussion of making it a three piece patch MC, at which point I walked away. We had a charter from California and it had all of the rules, like "removing your cut upon entering a bar if the members of a more senior MC tells you to". WHAT? No thanks. They settled into a Riders Group and we are very informal, go on some great rides together and do a lot of fundraising for veterans in need. I wear my cut most anytime I ride, even solo across country.