I considered a Harley for a few moments when I decided to buy a cruiser, having ridden a few I think they leave a fair bit to be desired as a motorcycle, but the ones i have ridden do cruise along quite nicely. Besides the outright grunt and sheer silliness of a 2.3L bike I bought a Rocket BECAUSE it's British. Being of convict stock deported from Britain I can feel an affiliation...
I can only speak from personal experience with so called 1%ers and have no desire to be associated with them at all and that includes the manufacturer of their predominant choice of bike. While I know there may be the occasional nice bloke in these groups, it is as a group the 1%ers choose to be associated.
Years ago we had a great annual bike show in my local town run by a social club of Harley riders. A member of my family was one of these guys. This show went on annually getting bigger and bigger and well supported and enjoyed by the locals. This was until it became successful enough to draw the attention of a so called "outlaw" MC club. These guys moved in, a few bashings and plenty of theft and intimidation through sheer numbers later and they took over the annual show. Within a few years it all collapsed due to a number of reasons - the main one being it lost the support of the local community as no one wanted to hang out with these scumbags.
Two of the blokes I regularly ride with ride Streetbobs and are top blokes and can ride much better than I can (nothing like seeing two Harleys wheelstand for 100m down the road side by side). I have nothing against Harleys in general but it's a shame the 'image' comes with them. I do understand that within these groups there will be odd good guy, good fellas to bad - oh probably about 1%... I can appreciate the phrase 'take each man as you find him' but I think 'you can judge a man by the company he keeps' has some merit as well.
This is only my opinion derived from my experiences, I'm sure we all have a different one and I like to hear of others like Tiopirata's.