Grief about owning a British bike?

Most of the guys around here are pretty good sorts and don't care what one rides. Some ribbed me a bit when I showed up on my Kawasaki Nomad, such as wondering where I lost my Harley, but it was just in fun. I must say though that I seemed to work on that old Shovel more than I rode it. Conversely, with exception of a TPS issue early on, my 07 was trouble free.

On the 1%ers; I just avoid those.
Dont be worried by us 1%ers, most of us have enjoyed a Triumph more then once. Indeed we preferred them in most countries because Harleys, even then, could not keep up with the British bikes. Only in the US did 1%ers stubbornly stick with Harleys through the 60s, 70s and 80s. I have been a 1%er and patch holder for 41 years, and a wannabe before that. I have owned 31 bikes, mostly British, only 3 Harleys, 1 Ducati, but 18 Triumphs. Show up on a Rocket and we all know what it is, and will approve and commend your good taste. That has certainly been my experience.
AND you werent picking on the Triumph owners IM sure of that the 1% types are the ones that are the worst and most of them are all of what you mentioned LOL
That's over the top. I know more then most about 1%ers and can assure you we do not offend at a rate greater then the general population, and certainly less then the political or law enforcement communities. I first patched up 41 years ago and still have no convictions. I have a degree, was also an unlimited master, lectured at a university, no tattoos, and not unusual for a Bandido. Profiling and generalisation lead to unhealthy and unwarranted speculation upon the character of any of us. Take each man as you find him, and cut the insults.
That's over the top. I know more then most about 1%ers and can assure you we do not offend at a rate greater then the general population, and certainly less then the political or law enforcement communities. I first patched up 41 years ago and still have no convictions. I have a degree, was also an unlimited master, lectured at a university, no tattoos, and not unusual for a Bandido. Profiling and generalisation lead to unhealthy and unwarranted speculation upon the character of any of us. Take each man as you find him, and cut the insults.
Are you sure Tio? I've seen Sons of Aunt Margie twice. That should make me an expert right?
Are you sure Tio? I've seen Sons of Aunt Margie twice. That should make me an expert right?
Ah yes, club life according to Kurt Sutter. I had no idea we were like that til I watched a couple of informative and educational episodes
It was hard to watch, especially when we realized that quite a high proportion of the viewing public can't tell fact from fiction and believe reality shows are reality. Our educations are now complete Norm
That's over the top. I know more then most about 1%ers and can assure you we do not offend at a rate greater then the general population, and certainly less then the political or law enforcement communities. I first patched up 41 years ago and still have no convictions. I have a degree, was also an unlimited master, lectured at a university, no tattoos, and not unusual for a Bandido. Profiling and generalisation lead to unhealthy and unwarranted speculation upon the character of any of us. Take each man as you find him, and cut the insults.
THERE is no grief owning a British bike the 1% group are having bike burning parties so thats a fact so save the speech for those who dont know better so they are a problem here in the Philly area they are responsible for a lot of the bike shows getting shut down at the local HOOTERS , CHICKY and PETES ,BURLINGTON WATERFRONT PARK and many more so YES they are trouble makers period
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THERE is no grief oining a British bike the 1% group are having bike burning parties so thats a fact so save the speech for those who dont know better so they are a problem here in the Philly area they are responsible for a lot of the bike shows getting shut down at the local HOOTERS , CHICKY and PETES ,BURLINGTON WATERFRONT PARK and many more so YES they are trouble makers period
Bike burning parties??? If you get an invite don't RSVP. Can't speak for Philly, never been there, but no 1%ers I know go to bike night type stuff, just not our scene. It's the sort of thing that wannabes gather at from our perspective, and we often cop the blame for wannabe misbehavior, I suspect this may be an instance of such.
The Harley crowd is pretty accepting of Triumphs, to the point that I get more complements than from metric riders, especially old school/1% guys, FWIW.
YEP I get lots of HD guys complimenting My Rocket so I cant complain about any Triumph haters