Gearbox/clutch drama

Not managed to resolve the throttle yet but will continue to tinker....

...on a more important technicality - does anyone know the correct orientation of the anti-judder spring? I didn't pay it any mind when I disassembled the clutch basket.

Is it the outside edge that touches the first friction plate - or the inside (as in nominal bore) edge that contacts the friction plate? In any case does it really matter which way around it goes?
Sounds like the cables are too tight
I am definitely guilty of hammering to poor thing...

If there was a lube problem around that area I could understand some extra wear on the clip. That said, the clip doesn't look discoloured and I expect a bit of blueing.
WELL hammering the bike is called abuse so your going to cause problems with anything if you abose it so change your riding habits all transmissions can be damaged easily if you dont shift correctly and that goes for all motorcycles the Rocket will last longer than you if its NOT abused the big beast with its monster 2300 CC engine should be pampered and treated with respect and maintained correctly I watched a friend destroy every bike hes owned over the years including his ROCKET CRAZY DAVE is his name and hes a real JACKASS along with his other friends that also destroy all the vehicals they own including the 4 wheelers they are dangerous riders and all have crashed several times and we no longer ride with these AZZHOLE wise guys that have all had their drivers licenses takin away and again they are the worst Ive seen when it comes to abusing everything they own LOL

this is the way it came out of mine anyway

plates stacked up, innermost side shown up here

and the flat steel that goes innermost of the whole assy
I'll be happy just to get it back together at the moment...4 months off the road is causing me pain!

Thanks for the feedback fellas
I must not read about Gearbox / clutch problems ad infinitus, on a ride yesterday my faithful old Rocket gearbox started to get Rattly and clunky in heavy traffic and long stoplight queues the gear changes were more like engaging a ski clutch on a ski boat slamming into gear, and a grinding noise under load 2 up in the higher gearsI have been waiting for a disaster to happen, maybe time to flip it before the tears start to fall ,but what will I buy I don't want to jump ship and get drummed out of the Battalion

I'd check my oil level/pressure/age before being too hasty with a sale!! If it makes you feel any better, mine gave no real warning that there was a problem