One thing I have learned while living over here is that a lot of Americans (not all of them) like bikes it is a massive market for motorcycles and anyone who is anyone in the bike world is over here now to the average American rider
(40-65 yr old) they want comfort when they ride, big bikes, big suitcases on the big bikes, big handlebars that can hold everything from remote controls ,radios, heated acces, air bag buttons massive soft seats, heated everything etc etc etc.
Each person has a different taste we all know that, me personally would not enjoy a ride if I could not feel the wind hitting me or be able to enjoy the scenery without the Bay City Rollers blasting in my ear if it rains I get wet if it is cold I put more layers on(although I do own a heated vest and glooves so I am part cupcake)
Europeans and Aussies I believe do not go so much for the creature comforts but for the pure joy of riding two wheels on the open road. (plus a lot of them cannot afford it