future of Rockets

No need to be insulting of fellow Captains with different riding styles from yours.

I ride my bike everyday possible. That means that I ride to/from work. Even though my commute is only, get this, don't be shocked, 1 mile, I still need to carry a bunch of stuff. I have to have my laptop with me 24/7 so saddlebags it is.

My Rocket is for more than just the thrill of riding. It is my business machine, my 'run to the store' machine, my 'blast in the mountains' machine, etc. It's not limited to only one style.
One of the guys at the shop I work at (part time) has a Victory. It looks like a hemorrhoid from the back.

Been to the factory in Spirit Lake before. Nice place, They build snowmobiles there too.

I just can't warm to the Hardley look. You can only do so much with a V Twin.

Bike prices are absurd today across the board.

Finally, I see the Itallian bike makers still haven't figured out what seat padding is. Itallians are reputed to be hard asses and I can see why. More like numb asses.

I'd never consider an Itallian anything. Considering their ongoing labor issues, I'd think that employee pride in workmanship is bottom of the barrel, probably why Marchonni jumped on Chrysler. I think he figured the UAW was easier to deal with.......

sorry did not mean to be insulting..of any ones riding style ..because i do the same thing with mine ..was not so much talking about the everyday running around like you do and I bet almost every member on this site does ..I was talking about road trips and where some time we ride 500 to 800 miles days ...

I understand what your saying ...and I can see from you other post that you see what i am talking about ..

once again sorry did not mean to insult any one..


Think he was talking to me mate lol I wasn't insulting any captains I was insulting the bikes but mainly just **** stirring as I do
I sure took as a insult...

Dont see why was just giving my opinion . Oh and yeah my bike gets used everyday to get me to work and back also and I ride in all weather and I also ride alot further than 200k per ride also . But my opinion remains the same . If my view offends so be it I don't change my view to please others .

Still dont need radios and heated grips

you know what they say about them !!!!!

Still dont need radios and heated grips

this is where you don't get it ...your not looking at it from where i live and ride at all ..I really wish that some time before they type they would look ..and the they mite see where the stuff I am talking about would be a good fit for me..

some times you need to walk a mile in the other guys shoes ....


If you would never consider anything Italian Flip you better build yourself a new rear end. Where have you been you cranky goat