Fuel pump question 09” classic

The option of buying another is not viable because there so **** expensive.Also looking at the senders they are selling (Genuine Triumph),they look nothing like this one.Mine and the picture Eartquake posted are the same sender,to which I have asked whether the float rod abuts the bracket tang to the left side or to the right side.Any body got a picture to show what a new ones meant to look like.Surely I couldn't of bent the thing that much.Could I?

May have been that way before you bought it.
How did it work b4 you started messing with it
The option of buying another is not viable because there so **** expensive.Also looking at the senders they are selling (Genuine Triumph),they look nothing like this one.Mine and the picture Eartquake posted are the same sender,to which I have asked whether the float rod abuts the bracket tang to the left side or to the right side.Any body got a picture to show what a new ones meant to look like.Surely I couldn't of bent the thing that much.Could I?

May have been that way before you bought it.
How did it work b4 you started messing with it
Everything seemed to be working fine,but it certainly wasn't easy to remove.Took the sender unit assembly out as I needed to change the filter.It was quite confusing as the workshop manual was showing the sender unit towards the front and this was the other way round.Confusing to say the least.
My memory is failing so no to much i can remember about the installation.
Manual states that with a little persuasion the fuel pump assembly should come out.This was certainly not the case as myself and Earthquake can verify.And there was an update as I have read somewhere that there were two sender units manufactured under 2 seperate part no.s.It also required a modified fixing bracket for this.So for one my memory is not failing and I certainly did not 'mess' around with it.All I need is some confirmation on really what this sender originally looks like,and not merely attempt to bend the thing around like a coathanger.
use the search option, it will give you this posting with images of wrong/correct float and parts Fuel Level Indicator Not Working - Clutch Switch/Solved!
An update,having spent the afternoon grilling a Triumph Technician armed with my Vin number I can now confirm the following.There are two sender units.Part no.T1241089 is the one I have.The other is an early one.Again talking to this guy he assured me the sender had probably failed hence being bent the other way by whoever??Service guys perhaps,but very strange Earthquakes picture was also showing this.Maybe it's a get out of jail temporary fix.Who knows.Have ordered a new one, so if my old one is salvageable then happy days.At least the new one will show the natural alignment of the rod so we can all start afresh.I realise that the reserve fuel lights can sometimes be wildly inaccurate so maybe this bent rod addressed the issue.Must pay more attention to the idiot lights.Keep you posted.And thank you for all the helpful/unhelpful posts,it was appreciated.
For what it's worth
Info on 2005 rocket and fuel sensor triumph number this was a while back.
When the float rod comes out of the two plastic tabs that is holding it then it will go any where and it is not hard to knock out while installing


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For what it's worth
Info on 2005 rocket and fuel sensor triumph number this was a while back.
When the float rod comes out of the two plastic tabs that is holding it then it will go any where and it is not hard to knock out while installing
This is a early one so again different from mine,but I guess its the same principle.Ive got a new one coming so I can re- orient the correct position of the float.And if it all tests okay then I,ll have the old one to sell.Heres hoping because there certainly quite expensive for what they are.
This is a early one so again different from mine,but I guess its the same principle.Ive got a new one coming so I can re- orient the correct position of the float.And if it all tests okay then I,ll have the old one to sell.Heres hoping because there certainly quite expensive for what they are.

question does yours have the plastic tabs that holds the float rod? back when we changed tribals it cost $145 a lot of money for a piece of tin and a couple of wires.
if the tab is broken off would a litle friction welding using a electric screwdriver not be able to repair it?