Fuel Level Indicator Not Working - Clutch Switch/Solved!

That we have. Plus when you run diagnostic with Tune Ecu it will come on again. Will work for a short time and then flatline. Low fuel light still works but no bars.
That we have. Plus when you run diagnostic with Tune Ecu it will come on again. Will work for a short time and then flatline. Low fuel light still works but no bars.
I may have already said this (if so, sorry), but when I raise my tank that resets it and you can see the voltage change in TuneECU when doing that, then it counts down but never comes back up when refueling. I'm wondering about a possible broken wire around where the tank hinges. I'll try to have a look soon when it warms up a bit. I still have the low fuel level warning light too- tells, me the float assembly is at least working.

I finally agreed on the purchase of a house, but I will need to buy a shed for the girl. This time I'm putting in AC and heat. I'm tired of fighting the elements and looking for lost parts. I've been really lucky to have a few parts go "boing" while working outside or in the portable shed (on gravel), for example, the clip that holds the clutch switch together flew off into orbit, but miraculously I found it in the dirt.

Maybe then I can come up with a solution and get back to fixing my heated grips. I think I just went off on a tangent.....
Your tangent just made my day. Complaining about the cold and not getting anything done on the bike but your post jarred my memoir of the not so distant past when it was just the front porch to perform work on the bike. Walked outside and it is about 23 degrees so turned the heaters on and came back in to let the shed warm up and saw this.
When I picked up my bike from Carpenter after having the 240 kit installed, on the first fill up and thereafter the fuel gauge only went to 5/8 on fill-up. Carpenter naturally denied it could have been anything they did.( Um, you replaced the fuel pump). That was 5 years ago. Oddly, twice in the last couple years it went to full, once after riding the Dragon, all I can think of is a line fouling the float or something, reprogramming the computer never occurred to me. Eventually I'll replace the fuel filter, and inspect the float rod when I do, a fairly minor inconvenience. Like Kevin said, I go mostly by the tripmeter.
That we have. Plus when you run diagnostic with Tune Ecu it will come on again. Will work for a short time and then flatline. Low fuel light still works but no bars.
Sonny- any chance you had a clutch switch issue around that time? I had pulled mine to clean it when the bike wouldn't start. Fixed the starting problem, but I think that is when the fuel gauge went out. I don't understand the "connection," but if you also had a clutch switch issue we could be on to something. See below...

It’s my rocket

G’day mate, having similar issues [fuel gauge] with my r3 atm.... from what I’ve researched the clutch safety start switch is linked to the fuel gauge through ecu....
Possibly try to clean contacts inside this switch may have to remove clutch lever or spray some type of electrical plug cleaner and work the clutch lever a few times....
Hopefully this will assist."

The next poster


in that thread said that he had also been messing with the clutch cable/lever/switch before his gauge went out.

Here's the link....
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As a test it might be interresting to take some copper wire and wrap around the terminals to short the switch.
If it is that switch then that should fix it till u get a clutch switch
Well you let the cat out of the bag. Yes replaced the clutch switch and yes do not understand how it works but it is tied in somehow. That is what i have been studying up on and info is slim to none.
Well you let the cat out of the bag. Yes replaced the clutch switch and yes do not understand how it works but it is tied in somehow. That is what i have been studying up on and info is slim to none.
That's weird wild stuff. Let's solve this!