Front wheel removal

That's the way it should be. If the missus gets 95% of the wardrobe space then it's only fair that we get 95% of the garage space.
What you are missing is probably the large hex key for the axle. Most people substitute a bolt with the head the right size and double nut it or use vise grips to hold it. (sorry to hijack the obeying the wife thread)
when ever i fix some thing like a door or a toilet i always try to remember to say that is why i keep all this stuff. and of coarse if you don't have what you need you say i should not have thrown that away.
I moved in here with my lady 4 years ago, she has been here 14 years and always used the one car garage for her engined rollerskate , no chance i'll ever get full use of it for my Bike , im happy she has let me put all my tools and crap in there , i sometimes gotta suffer her complaining about the dramas of exiting her car around my stuff
My suggestion would be build her a carport next to or in front of garage then tell her it will be easier for to get in and out her car and it will still have a roof over its head.

youher thinking you getting your head slammed into a brick wall when she realises your motives

If there's anyone out yet still having a problem finding a T-19 Hex socket bit. Try Harbor Freight, I have one in a 9 piece impact set I bought there.
Good thread, used spark plug socket, could not fit 3/8 drive though socket but just about got 19mm spanner on protruding hex
Manual says remove callipers to remove front wheel but i only removed mudguard and front wheel wheeled straight out

note on tyres: I thought my front tyre was ok ish, but replacing anyhow with back, on f wheel removal the tyre profile is flattened on one side...based on my WSB riding style
that explains the shopping trolley like handling
Hell, the hardest part is supporting the 800lbs without a front wheel.

I just made an adjustable support that rests on both sides of the crash bars where they meet the frame. It can be adjusted all the way out to 21 inches wide if need be but it only needs to be about 17". The points that rest on the roll bar can be adjusted up to around 16" high. All that's left is a little painting and I'm done. I could post pictures if anyone is interested.

As for that 19mm hex wrench, I'll have to check my local True Value as they have a huge selection of large individual wrenches. I just went out and tried that reverse end spark plug socket trick. It will take just a tiny bit of grinding to make it work. It's a can do option though.