Ok today i started out with good intentions of taking the front wheel off to take into the shop for a new tire, looks like i'll be riding it in as i dont have whats needed to undo this, another Triumph mystery , why supply a tool kit for a bike that hasnt got whats needed to take the wheels off ?
I have added significantly to my tool collection since buying the Rocket. The bike's toolkit is pretty-much a battery cover. I take it on and off the bike regularly, but had forgotten it had tools in it until I just read this post.
Thing is mate , i cleaned out the garage about two weeks ago and threw a **** load of old sockets , tube sockets etc in the bin, i just know what i needed this morning ended up there...................
Thing is mate , i cleaned out the garage about two weeks ago and threw a **** load of old sockets , tube sockets etc in the bin, i just know what i needed this morning ended up there...................
I have the equivalent of a 4 car garage, and haven't been able to park the cars in there for years. The bike however does get a place in there. Once the kids give up ice hockey I will be able to fit 2 cars back in there ... Or have room for more tools, or that bike lift.
Other way around in our house. World War III breaks out if we try to throw things out. The kids and I do black ops cleaning missions when the misses' back is turned.
My Missus learnt a long time ago the garage is my domain and even thou she has wanted to store stuff in there I have managed to keep what little room in there I have .... ALL Mine and strangely enough I also 9 times out of ten know where everything is