Front end wobble returned; this time I went down

After reading through the previous thread, I'm thinking the headstock bearings are too loose. Mine is doing a shake if I take my hands off the bars, and I'm betting that's the cause.

Again, so sorry about your off, and I hope you mend quickly. And hope you're insured.

Something I picked up from Cycle World, I believe: Jack up front end, and it should take somewhere near 1 lb pressure to move the front end side to side. Does this sound near correct? Faulty old memory banks.
front end off the ground, steering shold not easily drop lleft or right. It should go slowly or with minimal help.
Guys this ain't a Harley. Follow the directions in the manual for adjusting your head stock. If it does not work or develops a wobble a short time after then it it time to replace the bearings and races. Along with fork fluid and proper adjustments and alignments of front forks. It ain't that hard to figure out.
Ouch:eek: Sorry to hear about your tank slapper crash. A lot of us have had the low speed hands off wobble but yours is the only one I have heard of that had a high speed hands on wobble. I find it hard to believe tire issues can cause that, there has got to be something seriously wrong with the front end set up.

Glad you were wearing the right gear to minimize the injuries.

I recently had some issues with high speed wobble .... had to insist the shop pull apart the front end... they found the headset bearings were too loose! One thing I’m learning with this bike.... it has a low tolerance for being out of spec.... I’ve also found that bringing tyres to 38 front and 42 rear makes a huge difference
Incorrect tyre pressure can also cause wobble problems.

Yeeaaahhhh The deflated rear tire wobble. The rear tire tolerates a lot of low pressure. Even zero pressure until you go a little fast or try to change a lane or something. I had an old valve cracked at the base leaking. I had failed to pre-ride pressure check the tyres. That was on the Valkyrie. Probably the R3 is not so stable with a flat rear.

I carry my gauge. Have probably saved a folk life by pointing out and showing them their low tyre pressure at the PoopDeck.
I recently had some issues with high speed wobble .... had to insist the shop pull apart the front end... they found the headset bearings were too loose! One thing I’m learning with this bike.... it has a low tolerance for being out of spec.... I’ve also found that bringing tyres to 38 front and 42 rear makes a huge difference

RR what model ride do you ride and how heavy are you. Is this for solo or double-up. What model tyre are you running?
RR what model ride do you ride and how heavy are you. Is this for solo or double-up. What model tyre are you running?

2018 touring
I’m about 130kgs in all my gear
It was the Metzeler me880 .... it’s been changed for an Avon cobra
All my riding is solo, I’ve also increased my suspension up to position 3
2018 touring
I’m about 130kgs in all my gear
It was the Metzeler me880 .... it’s been changed for an Avon cobra
All my riding is solo, I’ve also increased my suspension up to position 3

42psi in back and #3 preload is high. Im riding a Classic is progressive 440 lowest preload possible, 36 psi. 200lbs, solo, Bridgestone exedra max. I like my ride soft.
I also went to 38 front, 42 rear, handling and tire wear improved greatly. Seemed to eliminate front tire scalloping and shake with hands off bars.
42psi in back and #3 preload is high. Im riding a Classic is progressive 440 lowest preload possible, 36 psi. 200lbs, solo, Bridgestone exedra max. I like my ride soft.

Yeh not by much. In fact position 2 is for 90kg, position 4 is 180kg total load... so I figure 3 is actually spot on.

Tire spec from factory is 36 front and 41 rear but I get scalloping on tires at those pressures
I agree with Ugarte.

Your head stock bearings must be loose. I took my front end off at 12K miles because of a wobble. The headstock retaining nuts were spinning free and the front end moved up and down about 1/8 inch!

Who ever put my bike together couldn't have torqued them down correctly. I took the opportunity to clean and re-grease the head stock bearings, and put it all back together, making sure the head stock bearing retaining nut and it's lock nut were good and secure. Haven't had an issue with that since..

These two nuts, located under the top triple clamp, are basically all that hold your front end on. If they are loose, bad things happen.