Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

Thanks for everyone's advice on this thread. Finally uploaded the Penner map and what a difference! It was extremely easy to do as well.
Ok guys I think I’m ready. My warranty is up and I’m going to the shop for two new tires. I’d like to have my mechanic load the Penner tune for me. I have two questions.
1. what type of gains do I expect to get? Hp, tq?
2. can someone provide me a step by step set of direction for me to give to him to get this done? Hardware? Software? Sources?

My advice would be to do it yourself. It took me about 25 minutes total. You need to buy the tuneecu app and the obd adapter. All in it cost about 120
I would have to use someone other than a Triumph mechanic at the local dealer. They won't even put on an aftermarket horn. You know, the horns they sell in their Triumph shop.
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A professional TuneECU license costs something like 300 euros. If you can find a shop which has one, it will cost you an hour’s worth of time to have the bike remapped. And the same if for some reason you want to do it again. Like if your Triumph dealer inadvertently or automatically overwrites your ECU with the latest stock map. If you can use a computer to access this forum, you should be able to deal with TuneECU. There are plenty of good instructions at and on the TuneECU Facebook page.
My advice would be to do it yourself. It took me about 25 minutes total. You need to buy the tuneecu app and the obd adapter. All in it cost about 120
I had the same shop load a Tune ECU file from Neville Lush into my 2014 Roadster after after a full motor build and the finish with a custom dyno tune. This independent shop is very good and they are are my go to guys for my work. I’m getting tires put on and I just want a turn key job. Sometimes I’m just a bit lazy and would rather pay a guy to get it right the first time.

I still need my two questions answered please.
Penner showed a gain of 25 or 26 max rwhp to about 175. If your mechanic has a professional TuneECU license, he has the hardware and knows how to load the map. If not, you have to buy the Android device, the OBDLink LX and the app. It takes at least a day after you purchase the app on to getting the app registered so you can use it. All the instructions he would need are on that web site.
One advantage of having someone with a professional TuneECU license load Penner’s tune is that they can raise the speed limit to 300 kph.
Thank you for the answers. He did a Tune ECU on my other bike so I know he can do that stuff. I’ll find out if he has a license.

Do you have his tune?
Thank you for the answers. He did a Tune ECU on my other bike so I know he can do that stuff. I’ll find out if he has a license.

Do you have his tune?
I loaded the Penner tune, and documented the process (and a significant pitfall to watch out for) on my YouTube channel: Rocket Tune

And needless to say, I love it!