Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

Is Alain’s map a speed unlimited version of Penner’s map? If not, you may wind up with a power restricted map with a higher speed limit.
as soon as i get over this covid crap, should be soon now, i can take it out and check, if i can get over 100km/h in first, it is an unrestricted map, on the stock map i couldn't get over 100 in first, after putting Penners map in, i was able to get over 100 in first. When the bike went in for 2nd service they remapped it, and that is how I was able to tell they had changed my map. I look at the tables between the two maps and to me they look similar, some differences but nothing majorly different as far as I could tell, but i don't know anything about this stuff, i was looking at pattern recognition between the tables.
as soon as i get over this covid crap, should be soon now, i can take it out and check, if i can get over 100km/h in first, it is an unrestricted map, on the stock map i couldn't get over 100 in first, after putting Penners map in, i was able to get over 100 in first. When the bike went in for 2nd service they remapped it, and that is how I was able to tell they had changed my map. I look at the tables between the two maps and to me they look similar, some differences but nothing majorly different as far as I could tell, but i don't know anything about this stuff, i was looking at pattern recognition between the tables.
The biggest difference between Penner’s map and the stock map is in the ETV2 and ETV3 tables, which account for the huge increase in peak HP. You’ll see values of 100% in the last column of Penner’s tune. Alain may have also done a retuning aside from the speed limiter. There’s a compare function in TuneECU which shows exactly what’s different between the map tables.
I’ve had my rocket for a little over a year now, I got a 2021 Rocket 3 GT. Loving it! I’m having a Werkes exhaust installed on it tomorrow morning. I’m nervous about running the bike in a leaner state. Curious if anyone on here lives in NJ or NY if you can help me out getting this tune put on my bike. I’ve ordered the ODBLink LX from amazon which will also arrive tomorrow. I’m excited to hear what my new exhaust is going to sound like !


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Just wanted to post an update. The Werkes exhaust was 100% worth every penny I spent on it. It sounds so good! It sounds like a proper rocket now. I had my dealer install the exhaust for me as well as the black guards from the Black version of the GT. Waiting on the additional guard to come in (backordered). The ride home was music to my ears! It does have a bit of decel popping but I did not mind that at all, it also has really strong burbles on decel as well but I find it rather appealing. The next morning when my OBD arrived I worked on installing Penner's tune and man o' man! I love what it did to it ! This is what this bike should have been from the factory ! I do have a quick-shifter installed, no baffle in the exhaust and it's so satisfying to downshift and hear the engine. My bike had just under 1700 miles on it at the time of install so I did not reset adaptations after the tune ended as I read that it was not needed since the engine has do some more learning. It rides great, sounds great, looks great. Can't ask for more. The tune didn't do too much to the decel popping and burbles but either way I don't mind them. This exhaust is LOUD (but not obnoxious) when you get on the throttle, so keep that in mind. Baffles wouldn't be a bad investment or just wear earplugs !

[On a side note, I did notice a weird clunk sound coming from the bike when I would be stopped at a red light, nothing too abrupt. Not sure if it's normal? Bike is running great either way, there's a ton of moving parts inside an engine anyway so I'm sure it's nothing to be too concerned with]

I've also order a DNA air filter, Rizoma sequential turn signals, tail tidy, and corbin gun fighter seat! Should be in soon !


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Is it possible to make power wheeling with the rocket tune with the penner's map? Thank's ✌️
Hello, I would love to install by myself the new map of Penner but I asked every dealer around Paris and nobody knows how to do it. I would like to do it but I'm scare to make something wrong and then my bike don't function good.
Can I do something really dangerous for the motor or in the worst case triumph could put again the standard map?
An other question, when you have the new map you still have the rain, road and sport mode or it's one of this mode who become "Penner" mode ? (example : sport map become Penner map but I still have the normal road map?)
Thank's for your help.
Hello, I would love to install by myself the new map of Penner but I asked every dealer around Paris and nobody knows how to do it. I would like to do it but I'm scare to make something wrong and then my bike don't function good.
Can I do something really dangerous for the motor or in the worst case triumph could put again the standard map?
An other question, when you have the new map you still have the rain, road and sport mode or it's one of this mode who become "Penner" mode ? (example : sport map become Penner map but I still have the normal road map?)
Thank's for your help.
Maps are installed with an Android app, TuneECU. You purchase the app and can see instructions at Read all the instructions first. The Penner map has rain, road and sport but the road and sport are more aggressive.
Maps are installed with an Android app, TuneECU. You purchase the app and can see instructions at Read all the instructions first. The Penner map has rain, road and sport but the road and sport are more aggressive.
OK I'll check this. Thank's i downloaded the unrestricted map for the 'R' model but it wont open because its...'unsupported or file is corrupt'...whats the story? i downloaded the unrestricted map for the 'R' model but it wont open because its...'unsupported or file is corrupt'...whats the story?
This is why I am afraid to tackle this type of job on my own. I hate computer stuff.