I just spoke to the tuner friend who uses the Dobeck. He mentioned Stoichiometric AFR which is apparently the exact air/fuel mixture (14.7:1) to produce a chemically complete combustion event in gasoline engines. He suggested with both my Nomad, on which he's going to install my Dobeck, and on my Rocket that I have to determine where I want to be at various speeds/RPMs etc., in relationship to Stoich and then tune for that. He also suggested that I take a close read on the ECU web site.

For my other tuner friend who rides the Kawasaki H2, he probably keeps his A/F mix below Stoich but when he comes by tomorrow to review the ECU software and the two tunes that were sent to me, Tripp'ss and HansO's, he'll hopefully educate me a bit and help me to understand the tables so that I can feel confident in making my own modifications.

As an old Amal carburetor kind of guy I'm still low in the learning curve on all of this but am realizing that an old dog really can learn new tricks, even one who's old brain housing group has somewhat atrophied over time.
I have gotten way ahead of myself on all of this. Having purchased TORs, a Ramair and a cable for TuneECU, downoaded TuneECU and the instructions, received two tunes from another member, I have found that I am totally confused on TuneECU. It requires a key apparently but I've not been able to find that on the web site. The zip file that I downloaded from the site had two items in it, TuneECU V 2.5.3 and something named _MACOSX. I have no idea what that is. I've read through several threads but am pretty much getting lost in the chaff. It does not behave like normal software I've downloaded that comes with an exe function.

It was not this difficult with my 07. I downloaded ECU version 2.3.2, got a tune from a friend who stopped by and using his cable. downloaded the tune. It still got some decal backpopping, sent the tune to HansO, got it back within a couple of hours, downloaded the modified tune and everything was perfect.

Now I can't even open either the software or either of the two tunes so I've really missed something. Most frustrating.
Wanna take a rip up to see Nels in Woodenville?
On a nice day, I'll go with ya?
I have gotten way ahead of myself on all of this. Having purchased TORs, a Ramair and a cable for TuneECU, downoaded TuneECU and the instructions, received two tunes from another member, I have found that I am totally confused on TuneECU. It requires a key apparently but I've not been able to find that on the web site. The zip file that I downloaded from the site had two items in it, TuneECU V 2.5.3 and something named _MACOSX. I have no idea what that is. I've read through several threads but am pretty much getting lost in the chaff. It does not behave like normal software I've downloaded that comes with an exe function.

It was not this difficult with my 07. I downloaded ECU version 2.3.2, got a tune from a friend who stopped by and using his cable. downloaded the tune. It still got some decal backpopping, sent the tune to HansO, got it back within a couple of hours, downloaded the modified tune and everything was perfect.

Now I can't even open either the software or either of the two tunes so I've really missed something. Most frustrating.

That's strange.

Are you trying to download TuneECU on a Apple (Mac) computer running Windows?

You said the zip file has something "MACOSX".

To me that would stand for "Mac operating system" with the X being the version of the operating system.

I would remove TuneECU from your computer and try the download again.

I deleted the file and downloaded the file again using the line:
TuneECU Software 2.5.8 for Windows, download from Tom’s server

I again got a zip file with two folders, one with that _MASOSX and the other folder “TuneECU v2.5.8”

When I open the TuneECU folder it contains the following:

Name Type

.DS Store DS_STORE file
Tune ECU Application
Tune Library.dll Application

I cannot open any of them with Windows. I get one of those pop up for the .DS Store advising me that Windows can’t open it and giving me options to search the web. When I try to open Tune ECU I get a window that says that it may depend on other compressed files in the folder recommending that I extract all files; with a Run option. Not sure what this all means. When I try to move the folder with the three contents into one of my Document folders, I get a window that says that a problem is preventing the folder from being encrypted and do I want to move it without encryption. Hmmm. I have no idea what this means unless that MASOX folder being the encryption key. I closed the two folders and moved the entire zip file to my document file where I store all of the TuneECU stuff so I’m back where I started.

I’ve followed Power-Tripp’s TuneECU How two thread and this is where the ox goes into the ditch for me. I cut and pasted the below from the thread. The first link takes me to an empty folder but since I’ve already downloaded the software this is no matter. The TomHamburg.net link takes me to a site that has a lot of warnings about using TuneECU, especially for Android but I see no installation instructions. I did download from another link but perhaps I’m OK there.

-I believe my cable came with the virtual COM port drivers already installed so don’t think I need this.

-Tripp’s second step says to download the key but I can’t find a link to a key on any of the pages.This is probably part of the problem but there still should be a .exe File Extension but that's not in any of Tripp's instructions.

I’m doing something very wrong but just can’t figure out what.

Software and tunes - Link Removed

Installation instructions in various languages - TuneECU_Start

FTDI drivers - Virtual COM Port Drivers

Cable - Link Removed
Or try Ebay for cheaper prices.

Simple over view:
1 - Download latest version of TuneECU. Unzip into new folder.
2 - Download key. Unzip into folder above.
3 - Download FTDI chip driver for cable.
4 - Order OBD-USB FTDI cable for VAG (VW Audi Group) and install drivers when cable arrives.
5 - Download any/all related maps for your bike.
6 - Open map and connect to bike (key and kill switch on, engine not running).
7 - Under ECU at top, select Read Map. This will upload the map from the ECU.
8 - Save the original map with a new name. Preferably in a new file for your future maps.
9 - Open map file you want to load to bike's ECU.
10 - Download map to ECU.

Steve, I'd definitely like to visit Nels but I'd sure like to get the basics out of the way on this software first. It might be time for me to send a PM to Wayne. As I said in my other post, it wasn't this difficult the first time I used TuneECU years ago.
Wanna take a rip up to see Nels in Woodenville?
On a nice day, I'll go with ya?

Hey, does Nels use a DynoJet dyne or Mustang? There is a dyne near me I am going to have a couple pulls on just to see what I get, but it is a Mustang.
I've read Mustang's typically show 10-12% less than DynoJets. This is once my header get here.
Hey, does Nels use a DynoJet dyne or Mustang? There is a dyne near me I am going to have a couple pulls on just to see what I get, but it is a Mustang.
I've read Mustang's typically show 10-12% less than DynoJets. This is once my header get here.

Nels has three Dyno Jets.
Last time there he told me the latest firmware update lowered the numbers a few percent.

I deleted the file and downloaded the file again using the line:
TuneECU Software 2.5.8 for Windows, download from Tom’s server

I again got a zip file with two folders, one with that _MASOSX and the other folder “TuneECU v2.5.8”

When I open the TuneECU folder it contains the following:

Name Type

.DS Store DS_STORE file
Tune ECU Application
Tune Library.dll Application

I cannot open any of them with Windows. I get one of those pop up for the .DS Store advising me that Windows can’t open it and giving me options to search the web. When I try to open Tune ECU I get a window that says that it may depend on other compressed files in the folder recommending that I extract all files; with a Run option. Not sure what this all means. When I try to move the folder with the three contents into one of my Document folders, I get a window that says that a problem is preventing the folder from being encrypted and do I want to move it without encryption. Hmmm. I have no idea what this means unless that MASOX folder being the encryption key. I closed the two folders and moved the entire zip file to my document file where I store all of the TuneECU stuff so I’m back where I started.

I’ve followed Power-Tripp’s TuneECU How two thread and this is where the ox goes into the ditch for me. I cut and pasted the below from the thread. The first link takes me to an empty folder but since I’ve already downloaded the software this is no matter. The TomHamburg.net link takes me to a site that has a lot of warnings about using TuneECU, especially for Android but I see no installation instructions. I did download from another link but perhaps I’m OK there.

-I believe my cable came with the virtual COM port drivers already installed so don’t think I need this.

-Tripp’s second step says to download the key but I can’t find a link to a key on any of the pages.This is probably part of the problem but there still should be a .exe File Extension but that's not in any of Tripp's instructions.

I’m doing something very wrong but just can’t figure out what.

Software and tunes - Link Removed

Installation instructions in various languages - TuneECU_Start

FTDI drivers - Virtual COM Port Drivers

Cable - Link Removed
Or try Ebay for cheaper prices.

Simple over view:
1 - Download latest version of TuneECU. Unzip into new folder.
2 - Download key. Unzip into folder above.
3 - Download FTDI chip driver for cable.
4 - Order OBD-USB FTDI cable for VAG (VW Audi Group) and install drivers when cable arrives.
5 - Download any/all related maps for your bike.
6 - Open map and connect to bike (key and kill switch on, engine not running).
7 - Under ECU at top, select Read Map. This will upload the map from the ECU.
8 - Save the original map with a new name. Preferably in a new file for your future maps.
9 - Open map file you want to load to bike's ECU.
10 - Download map to ECU.

Steve, I'd definitely like to visit Nels but I'd sure like to get the basics out of the way on this software first. It might be time for me to send a PM to Wayne. As I said in my other post, it wasn't this difficult the first time I used TuneECU years ago.

Since I’m not computer savy, this is why I got an android tablet n downloaded the tuneecu android app. Much less finicky/complicated