Forward controls R3 GT

Excuse me...I misunderstood! Yes...if you have the R pegs they are adjustable up and down.
It is exactly the same for me. I am 6'3'' and have recently got my forward controls shifted maximum to front. Still my kness are a tad above the knee slots on the tank but I fell much comfortable. I haven't done long rides yet after the change. Will have to see the comfort on a long ride. Seat is a little soft so after 50 km ride the bum does really ache. Am waiting for Seargent to come up with a custom for the GT. I love Seargent seats which I installed on my Kawasaki Ninja 1000 and it made hell lot of a difference like from 50 km to 250 km without a butt ache.
I'll be buying a Corbin for next riding season!
Hi I'm riding the R 3 GT my issue or only issue is with the front feet pegs on the rear brake side are too short for my size 9s constantly touching the brake pedal-lever
Had a 2016 Roadster and went to the GT...i was a bit concerned too as i like to stand up and stretch ...fart...whatever....but i gotta say after about two days i loved having my feet forward a bit on the GT. You wont regret it as it makes for a real comfortable sitting position.
I have to modify my post from May. This seat to me after having it for 9 months is as comfortable as any I have ever had. Better than the Corbin on my 05 Rocket also. It might have been break in or I'm use to it but for my weight and sitting stance it is near perfect even though moving around is very limited it seems to my surprise work very well for me. Go figure.