First service, what did people pay? I was just quoted $380

I also did an oil filter change at 5,000 miles. Going to the dealer Wednesday for the 10K service.
Do it yourself and save time and money. I've done all services (up to 30K miles).

As has been said here earlier, just document your oil change and filter (use Triumph branded filter) with receipts and pictures.

The brake recall is free, so that is not part of the fees being quoted.

Software update? Not sure what that is- maybe to clear the wrench icon. I love that icon. It reminds me that I work on the bike myself.
Be sure to update to @Penner's tune when it's out of warranty. Big update!
Just wait until you get to 20K miles and they need to go in and check the valves! $$$$$$
I did the 20K myself- it was quite a learning experience and I couldn't find any writeups/YouTubes etc., but it felt good to do myself and be "one with the bike, " absolutely sure it was done correctly, and a couple of thousand dollars better off. More on that here, if you're interested for when you get to that point.
I can’t remember the 1st service, think it was $300.
It was the 2nd service that hurt $1300 - Service, brakepads and new Metzeler tires
Each time I need to remind them not to reload software, I have custom tunes on it.
Just wait until you get to 20K miles and they need to go in and check the valves! $$$$$$
If I still have the bike at that point, I'm inclined to do as much of the service as I can and then skip the rest. The bike will be off warranty so I'll just drive it till it quits. I figure I have almost 5 years of riding till then and I will be 83. Not my problem.
Clear the wrench , not expensive, Maintenance Mate (MM) - HealTech Electronics Ltd.
IN the USA, we have the legal right to repair
"The right to repair is a legal right that gives consumers the ability to repair their own products, instead of having to take them back to the manufacturer. The right to repair can apply to a variety of products, including electronics, automobiles, and farm equipment."
if you want to do your own work on a new rocket and think that it violates your warranty, you are wrong.
save your $ and DIY it if you want and sue the dealership when they refuse you on a warranty, its been done PLENTY of times, MILLIONS of times infact.
I've just had the second full annual service done on mine. (First service was done as I bought it as a used one year old bike with 3K on the clock). They charged £290 and the checklist was pretty comprehensive, including checking for recalls and updates. I don't include things like tyres and brake pads in a service price as they're consumables, not scheduled maintenance.
500 bucks for the scheduled break-in service sounds like US dealerships are stiffing their customers.

When I bought my Harley, the dealer I bought it from did the first break-in service free of charge (well, OK, they probably loaded it up-front onto the purchase price beforehand, but you get the idea). At least I didn't have to put my hand in my pocket again after running it in.
.......They charged £290 and the checklist was pretty comprehensive, including checking for recalls and updates....
But we know about the recalls (one larger fuse and change rear brake master cylinder) and it's free to have them done when you take them in just for that.

Just so we all know what we're referring to- here's the maintenance schedule...