Ya Ya Ya I got over 30,000 miles with that blower hooked to my crank
the only problem with crankshafts are when Blowers are installed improperly!!!!!!!
Where is that super fast busa you claimed to own on the dot come site but won't even post a picture of it? And don't start your bullshizt about calling me out for pink slip racing with a bike you do not even own. I am not interested in racing a feller like you. in fact from all the lies and crap you started on the .com site which earned you a time out on the .com site,
in fact I am not inerested in anything you have to say, so don't go away mad, JUST GO AWAY HOMOBRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turbos are are nice but the boost is good kit is to small and putters out before 6000 rpms. which is about the same time the Carpenter kit cams come on and its hold on for your life time.
Now I got over 10,000 miles on the combination that some people have said would not work with pump gas so you all can believe what and who you want. This is what happens when you listen to Bob Carpenter and Art Dilarso of Carpenter Racing. If you want to re-envent the wheel well let them show you the way, so you don't have a flat tire.
if not well you can get a bike that well lets just say has square wheels on it
Pres10, you can't go wrong with Carpenter's NA kits provided you listen to their recommendations. By this I mean don't stuff a potato in the intakes and exhaust by think they will produce big power with little pipes and the wrong filter set ups. I am not trying to sell you on their pipe just their recommendations of a big free flowing pipe no matter who makes it for you.(Big in Big out) Don't listen to me don't listen to anyone except Carpenter Racing and well hold the fark on