First Bad News for new Rocket: oil leaks

I saw 4 of these crates at my dealer’s. He wants $599 for “dealer prep”. I can see why. Freight is $600. How much can a dealer reduce these charges (and also for installation of accessories) and still make money?

My local Triumph dealer is charging $995 for just the "set up". Pirate !
This is an expensive proposition for some cheap thrills.
My local Triumph dealer is charging $995 for just the "set up". Pirate !
That is a little high. It takes quite a few hours uncrate, put the wheel on and set the bikes up. It takes quite a few minutes just load the ECU programming and charge the battery. $499 sound about right. The service department must make some money or an owner will not accept the conditions.
The sales guy said they check all the torques. That must be a long list.
The sales guy said they check all the torques. That must be a long list.

So, 'all the torques'. That should also be the torques on the inside of the engine ? 'All' should mean 'all'. That sales guy is talking out of his...
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So, 'all the torques'. That should also be the torques on the inside of the engine... That sales guy is talking out of his...
That means the fasteners, bolts, etc., on the outside.
That means the fasteners, bolts, etc., on the outside.

Why is this needed??? Isn't the quality control at the factory adequate?

When I purchased my Rocket in Ontario several years ago, the service fee was around $800 Canadian while the same fee in Quebec was half that. While I agree the dealer has to perform some work to prep the bike, I wonder how many really check the torque on every fastener outside????

Has anyone been able to order the bike in the crate sent to their home? I know one dealer was willing to ship me a crated bike when I was on the hunt for my Rocket but the shipping costs kind of offset the dealer prep and drive down to pick it up.

Still think this is a big cash grab!!!
All that add on chit always aggravates me. When you start talking "out the door" prices, Dealers don't like that, cause they can't slip these extra charges under your nose. When I bought my 2013 Rocket brand new, I talked to the salesman on the phone, and told him to give me his best "out the door" price. In other words, "I told him" how much do I have to put in your hand, to ride the bike home? He gave me a $500 military discount, and told me $16,000 would do the trick. I bought it sight unseen. $16,000 was the total, shipping, prep, tag, tax, everything.