I feel very badly for those of you that no longer have the means to protect yourselves and your family, by a government that thinks it knows what's best for everyone, and that good citizens can't be trusted with firearms.
Do they really believe that the criminals will follow those laws; after all the others that they've already broken?
Of course they don't; because it's all about controlling their "subjects;" and has nothing to do with protecting them. :sick:

"It's all about controlling their 'subjects'; and has nothing to do with protecting them!"
That there is VERY well said, Amigo!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I started riding on a 250cc runabout...but wanted to go places and made it work. Never complained cause it was what I had. Then I upgraded to A big Suzuki....powerful and could run any road. Better for touring, but had to be pressed into the service, you could load your luggage or a passenger but not both. Now I've got my Rocket Touring, and I am in 7th Heaven.....IT's roomy and it gets out of it's own way, and carries all that I need and a passenger too! The common thread for all these bikes is a Corbin touring seat. A good seat makes all the difference on any bike.

And I missed how guns got in this thread but I got plenty of them and be darned if the gubmint will ever take them!
You have guns????:confused::eek:
I haven't seen a bike that is bone stock after being owned for 2 weeks. We all change them. Thats part of biking. Harlys have a great sound.
I still remember the sound of my brothers Trident as he rode it without mufflers. [straightpipes] WOW sounded like an aircraft dive bombing a target. It still brings back a smile.
I can't say as I give much thought to what others choose to ride. I don't ride harley because they're a dime a dozen, I prefer something more unique. Nothing wrong with thier bikes or any others. I looked pretty hard at the Trophy and the BMW RT before going with this bike. I pulled the trigger for two reasons, 1 when it first came out it called to me and continued to do so for 10+ years. Secondly, i figured all other v Twins would be disappointing after the motor build on my Marauder, and I kept going back to it when I started looking for a second bike.
Well iam keepn the TR3,i see it a bit like a three couse meal, at the end of it I don't wont any more.:thumbsup:;)ive got 3 bros that ride H/D, s and none of them seem to have the handling or the grunt through the hills n bends like the TR3.:evil::laugh:
Well iam keepn the TR3,i see it a bit like a three couse meal, at the end of it I don't wont any more.:thumbsup:;)ive got 3 bros that ride H/D, s and none of them seem to have the handling or the grunt through the hills n bends like the TR3.:evil::laugh:

runs like a rabbit through the mountains:roll::roll:
I haven't seen a bike that is bone stock after being owned for 2 weeks. We all change them. Thats part of biking. Harlys have a great sound.
I still remember the sound of my brothers Trident as he rode it without mufflers. [straightpipes] WOW sounded like an aircraft dive bombing a target. It still brings back a smile.

It's funny how when someone is buying a bike (myself included) then we are looking to make our changes and due certain things to it regardless if it is just eye candy or engine modifications. BUT THEN....go shopping for a vintage bike and you want that little princess completely stock just as she rolled off the dealer room floor back in 1961!!!:roll::roll: