Finally at last, Done!

Oh she (Sandy) did ask about the costs of this last part and I did tell her the truth. I then proceeded to discuss with her that since i make all the money i will have all the say. I also stipulated that she is not my financial equal and does not have equal weight deciding on the the budget. I also said that she could voice her opinions but that might be at a cost and she should consider her words carefully. She did not take it well at first but I held my ground and it was over.

And then you woke up in a cold sweat I would not get the first ten words out off my mouth before my wife would kick me square in the nuts.
PS Hey guys it ain't like this lady lacks for anything. I just spent 5K to put a big bore 118 kit on her new Indian Chieftain Elite.

Sandy is one very good rider now giving her more power well boys quite a few Rockets will be struggling to keep up with her.
Married 43 years.
Back when dating in 1973, I told her right off that I have had motors between my legs long before her and they will always be a part of my life.
We agreed to accept each other the way we are, the way we fell in love.
NEVER an issue through years of racing every week and tripping over the countryside for years later.
One in a million is my gal!
Wife wears the pants. Not me. Paycheck goes into her bank account and everything else. No access on my part. I suck when it comes to managing money. Minor and major purchases discussed prior and both parties agree or it is not bought. Can not complain.
Yes this lady can ride for sure. She rode my Chieftain Dark Horse bumped to 101 hp and 130 tq and she wanted one on hers. I told he of the cost and she recanted. A few weeks later,knowing I was going in deep$ on the Rocket, I bought her one for Christmas. The "head "of the money has the responsibility to see to the well being of his subjects. She's high maintenance but worth it.
Every marriage gets to set its own parameters. I make all the money. She determines how much is needed for the regular monthly bills and I make that deposit to the joint account. I take care of the savings, taxes and long range goal planning including the play money. She is a kept woman. She works out for two hours a day, four times a week keeping her body in good shape for my enjoyment.
Now that's a Lady that knows her own mind!
Gonna be a big yard sale some day.
You ought to come by. There will be Rockets and Indians and guns galore. Tractors, four wheelers and more hunting gear than three people need. It's going to be a big sale.