Finally at last, Done!

Not to be the negative one, but too much torque on twisty roads might be a little dangerous. Be careful when leaned over not to give her too much power for the rear tire to handle.
BTW congratulations on the outcome, those are impressive numbers.
I don’t see negativity so no worries. I see intelligent concern for a buddy. I’ve been careful with my Rocket in the corner exit or mid corner power application since I bought it. After the stage one with tune I saw good torque gains and saw plenty of potential for a low side slide out. I’m not a greenie on bikes being brought up in the dirt well familiar with traction loss in a corner with to much throttle. We’re good mate.
No I did not have the suspension in Stearns, this whole bike is new and ready. I thought I was going to get a softer cushy ride with the new legs but I did not get that. It is just easier to corner and more stable under all conditions.
I’m glad you joined in mate. I asked for a good service from you stipulating what my goals were and you gave it in spades. You gave me a great result and even better than expected. I’m thrilled. To much torque? I’m not sure what that is if you have a throttle. It ain’t no toggle switch on the right hand.

Torque is not controlled by the motor it is controlled and measured out by the right hand connected to a working brain. Accidental wheel stand? I hope every wheelie I do is planned. Bikes with this amount of power need respect.

Thanks mate
One more word on the pipe selection. I was set on a Carpenter pipe but I could not get over the look of the blueing metal and the abundance of those springs. Drag racing is not the primary use of the bike and I liked what I saw in Stearns on Mully’s bike. Warp was a guiding factor in formulating my choices for build. I learned a lot at the last RAA and put all of that knowledge to use. You guys are the best.
Oh Hel$ am in trouble. "right hand connected to a working brain" Missing half a finger on the right hand and totally missing the working brain part.
I got 175 at the wheel with a stock Roadster exhaust.
Carpenter 240 internals, triple K&N 2780s intake.
Ok but could you tell me the object of doing a build that way?

Just to see what kind of power could be achieved with a bone stock looking & sounding bike.

Also the exhaust was going to be a porject on its own (i made my own, first time etc) as i wasn't just bolting on someone else's, and i didn't have the time for it at the time i did the engine work