Erratic Idle problem

I think so... I shall find out more tomorrow when I take her out for a spin! As for the O2 eliminator/sensor bypass - already removed and the sensor is sitting nicely gathering dust on a shelf!!
hi Grumps
i have had a bit of trouble with tickover except my trouble was racing at 2000 rpm when nice & hot , the problem was traced to the wiring to the air temp switch in the Ramair that i had fitted , when pushed home the Ramair unit was enabling the wires to be pressed on to the throttle linkage , re-routed wiring no more problems.
i had my bike tuned professionally up near me but i still get a beauty backfire on overrun !!!!!!
i no that it's not to relevant to your situation but worth knowing if your looking for things !!
i have a 3 into 1 system no cat no baffle's goes very well !!
i hope you get somewhere .
@aprillakilla, thanks for the input. If you read back a couple of posts, I 'think' I might have sorted it out. As for the back fire, it was the biggest I've ever heard before. After the first time I was ready for it to happen, so only one nappy used! Going along Bognor Regis seafront was hugely amusing
Try disconnecting both battery leads for a few minutes, reconnect them and run the "12 minute tune" That tune requires starting the motor without any throttle input and running it for twelve minutes (by which time the radiator fan should commence), again, without any throttle input. In essence, this procedure should enable a "forced readaptation" of the ECU and if all your other diligent work has helped to get you back to normal, your bike should/could be idling/running like a Swiss watch
@TriumPhil , This is on the menu for tomorrow morning - I think I've upset my elderly neighbours enough for one day
@TriumPhil , This is on the menu for tomorrow morning - I think I've upset my elderly neighbours enough for one day
Phil is a little off on the 12 minute tune.
Start bike without throttle input.
let Idle until the fan first turn on.
then let idle for 12 minutes after that.

Depending on out side temps this can take up to 30 minutes.

Oh and other then cleaning the battery leads I see no reason to disconnect them.

from the manual
Forcing adaption to take place
If the read out indicates that the motorcycle is not
adapted, the following will force the system to make
1. Ensure the engine is cold.
engine and allow it to warm up until the cooling fan
comes on.
3. Leave the engine to idle for a further 12 minutes.

• As an alternative to the above process, connect
the diagnostic tool, scroll to ADJUST TUNE and
select RESET ADAPTIONS. This will force a fast
adaption routine to take place in around S
seconds. For this to happen, the engine MUST
be running, it must be at normal operating
temperature and In closed loop control mode.
Under any other conditions fast adaptlon will
not take place and may cause default values to
be loaded, which may then require a normal 12
minute adaption routine to be run.
Thanks for the correction, Scott. You know who ended up w/ my old shop manual, so I have to rely on my degrading memory.

Keeping me honest is good policy!
@warp9.9 , Thank you for the update. Fingers crossed everything will still be working tomorrow morning and the 12 tune will wave its magic wand and all will be good! Unfortunately, my garage wall is only 2'6" from my neighbours wall which also happens to be their lounge. Having had the husband around twice to see what was going on and why so much noise, I really didn't think I could carry on after 18.00 tonight.
Well, that's another tank of fuel used and the results have been better than hoped for. Started out this morning at 08.30 - not tooo early to wake the neighbours - I disconnected battery leads and positive was mucky and loose into the bargain so another problem solved. Carried out the 12 minute tune as per @warp9.9 instruction and tick over was still wavering every now and then. Never mind, the open road was calling. Nice and easy for first 12 miles and then onto a dual carriageway and opened her up in 2nd and 3rd and shut down throttle. No cutting out, popping, banging, or nuclear explosions were heard. Carried on towards Southampton and onto motorway. Sat on motorway cruising at 75/80 mph for 25miles and turned around. Sat at lights for 3 minutes and tick over was perfect. No wavering, dropping, coughin' and farting...just a a nice even rumble. Back home the quick way, passed a forward facing speed camera van at 90+ (70mph limit) so will have to wait on that one. but the end result is perfection!!! Thank you once again Peeps for all your help and advice - problem solved