Engine sputtering and backfiring

No check engine light...and I can't read anything using tune ECU as I don't have the program or a laptop...I will check the vacuum lines and coil leads after work today.

Where are you located? There may be a Captain close by that would swing by with a laptop and hook up for you to see what is going on with TuneECU
Where are you located? There may be a Captain close by that would swing by with a laptop and hook up for you to see what is going on with TuneECU

I'm in Joliet, IL during the week, and Dayton, OH on the weekends. warp9.9 came by last week and installed the latest map using tuneECU, but he's 150 miles away...I can't expect him to come to my place again...it would be nice if there was someone closer...

@ROCKETHEAD is in the Chicago area somewhere. While he ditched his Rocket for a Trophy I'm sure he still remembers what one looks like and I would be stunned if he didn't have TuneECU. You may want to drop him a PM and see if he is close to you. Failing that...I happen to know where there will be a small gathering of Rocket Captains next weekend and there should be computers and enough collective experience to get you fixed up. Load your gear and get thee to Maggie Valley, NC.

As much as I'd love to go, that just isn't going to happen for me...I sent Rockethead a PM so I guess I'll see what he says...
I would be highly suspect of the tune. What your describing sounds like its running excessively lean at those throttle points. Your going to have to go old school on this if you don't have access to the computer equipment you need.

Pull the tank up and check the spark plugs, see how they look. If you have one cylinder not firing right it will be apparent on the plugs. Same thing if its running rich or lean. The plugs will tell you a lot.

Check all vacuum hoses and make certain they are attached/not cut/etc

Do a 12 min tune (seach 12 min tune for info)

Does the bike do in Neutral at all?

Getting access to a usb adapater and tuneecu is going to be a must to figure out whats going on if no information is found by doing what I suggested above. The ignition tables could be screwed, the tune could be screwed up, a sensor might be out of alignment, the throttle bodies might need to be balanced. So many possibilities. How exactly did the dyno place tune the bike? Does it have a PCV on it?
I sent a text to Dave and will give him a little time in case he is at work. I will see if he can look at it. Also I would still check the coil leads, vacuum lines, and the make sure your spark plugs are in and did not vibrate loose.

Like above you can trace the vac lines easy from the fuel rail side just pop the tank up. Each throttle body has one vac line and one vac plug cap. except #3 which has one line and two plugs. My problem was the plug was dry rotted. so I replaced all and the lines. each of the lines run to a junction connector that makes 3 -1 larger line it runs to the Map sensor.

Here is a shot of the throttle body vacuum ports to help.

And the rear one with the two ports that are plugged you can not see the third one which would have the line on it.

I just got off the phone with Dave and sent you his number via conversation. He said he would look for his cable. let me know how it works out. I am pressed for time with the roof damage to my coastal home and Maggie Valley, but will find a way to come up if needed.
I can't believe how helpful you guys are! This is like a big, happy, Rocket family! I really appreciate all of the help and it puts me at ease knowing that I have so much support!

Unfortunately, I had a problem with my tablet yesterday, so I had to spend most of the afternoon at Verizon getting it fixed, so I didn't have any time to look at the bike. I did start it up to see if I could duplicate the problem with the bike parked and in neutral, and I could not. Apparently, it only occurs when riding. I have a 4 day weekend this weekend and I should have time to prop up the tank and check the vacuum lines and coil connections.

Oldschool, would you be able to read the map and see if anything there could be causing the issue?

Scott, I will give Dave a call...thanks for the info!
Okay, I checked all the vacuum lines and they're all connected on both ends. None of mine have plugs, all 3 of the throttle bodies have two lines on them. I also checked the coil connections on #2 and #3, but I couldn't even see the connectors on #1...its buried in the front of the frame near the steering head. The ones I was able to check were tight. I took it out for another ride today to study the issue. Unless I'm getting on the throttle pretty hard, it bucks, misses, and pops at almost every shift. Holding the throttle steady in any gear between 2k and 3k RPM it just sputters and misses. I know I'm new to this bike and am still wet behinds the ears compared to the captains, but it still seems like it could be the tune, because the symptoms point to either a too lean condition, or the timing is outta whack at that throttle setting/engine speed. Of course we still haven't ruled out a possible problem with one of the sensors, such as the TPS. Sorting through these possibilities is beyond my scope of knowledge (and the equipment needed) for me to accomplish myself.
The ignition is fully electronic, so if the ignition timing is out of whack there would be something seriously wrong. If the cam timing is out by much the engine will likely not run at all and things will be severely broken inside.

You say none of the throttle bodies have capped vacuum ports, are they open into the throttle bore?