Okay, I checked all the vacuum lines and they're all connected on both ends. None of mine have plugs, all 3 of the throttle bodies have two lines on them. I also checked the coil connections on #2 and #3, but I couldn't even see the connectors on #1...its buried in the front of the frame near the steering head. The ones I was able to check were tight. I took it out for another ride today to study the issue. Unless I'm getting on the throttle pretty hard, it bucks, misses, and pops at almost every shift. Holding the throttle steady in any gear between 2k and 3k RPM it just sputters and misses. I know I'm new to this bike and am still wet behinds the ears compared to the captains, but it still seems like it could be the tune, because the symptoms point to either a too lean condition, or the timing is outta whack at that throttle setting/engine speed. Of course we still haven't ruled out a possible problem with one of the sensors, such as the TPS. Sorting through these possibilities is beyond my scope of knowledge (and the equipment needed) for me to accomplish myself.