Hi all - I bought the bike about 3 or 4 weeks ago but haven't had much of a chance to use is as the weather has been so awful when I've had the chance.....
Today I took the bike out for a spin but as I was slowing down approaching traffic lights, as I've been used to, I blipped the throttle slightly before downshifting and....the engine stalled.
I struggled to the side of the road fearing the worst but it restarted immediately when I tried, first time.
I'd been riding for about 10 minutes so the engine was reasonably warm but now I am paranoid. I went straight home but can't get the nagging feeling the engine is running rough and tickover is erratic. As I haven't had the bike long I have no idea what's normal...
It's never done this before and was fine on the way back home.
Can anyone reassure me (or not depending on the video) as I took a short video and posted it here