I'm 6'2" and if I still smoked I could smoke a cigarette at 100 mph on my R3T with the oem long windshield. There is no real cruiser that is a match for this one and if there is a failure to sell enough units it's because Triumph is incompetent at marketing the bike and dealers are few and far between. Only a moron would revamp the seat to fit shorter guys when your trying to bust into the HD market--you want the big badasses riding into the bar parking lots on your R3T--the guys who don't get lip for not riding the cookie-cutter bikes--the guys who other guys fall into line behind. You want to sell a bike that fits big guys to entice them to buy it since HD's are sizing down.
This has to be a joke post ! Only Bad ass big bikies should own a Touring model Rocket , do you read what you write LOL Only morons would make a bike suit smaller riders . I can't believe some one would write such dribble and no one else has said anything i laughed so hard a little wee came out , made my day thanks