End of Touring

I agree and disagree on the tank-mounted gauges; they're a pain to get used to for someone coming from handlebar-mounted ones, but they do look really great and cruiser-ish. One gets used to it...
I agree and disagree on the tank-mounted gauges; they're a pain to get used to for someone coming from handlebar-mounted ones, but they do look really great and cruiser-ish. One gets used to it...
You are right the tank mounted gauges take a bit of getting used to but for me coming from a Suzuki C109RT the gauges are in the same spot ,I agree they do look good on that style of bike and are away from the windscreen so don't reflect on the screen at night.
As someone who doesn't consider a cruiser a serious motorcycle, just a compromise of old age, I agree on the gauges thing. Don't suppose anyone who came up with the idea ever wore a full face helmet.
As someone who doesn't consider a cruiser a serious motorcycle, just a compromise of old age, I agree on the gauges thing. Don't suppose anyone who came up with the idea ever wore a full face helmet.

I used to ride without a helmet before they w
As someone who doesn't consider a cruiser a serious motorcycle, just a compromise of old age, I agree on the gauges thing. Don't suppose anyone who came up with the idea ever wore a full face helmet.

I have no problems seeing the instrument panel on my R3T with a full face helmet on.
As a person who for many years rode in various head gear Beenies ,WW2 aircrew fur lined leather helmets (ex disposal stores) prior to the Helmet laws and lucky to be alive , My wife is an Ex Hospital Emergency Nurse and has seen many horrific injuries from open face helmet road strikes ,noses ripped off, eyes ripped from the crushed sockets ,so great pressure was put on me to wear a good quality full face helmet , I have used and heard all the arguments against Helmets and full face versions ,and to a degree it is personal choice which you use , just another compromise of old age and 47 years of riding I suppose ,
I have no issues seeing the dial either with a full face helmet. Or, well, a modular with a flip-up front for convenience (Nolan N104, best helmet I've ever owned.) 4-star security rating at SHARP, and all Nolan modulars have a 100% front-stayed-closed-in-testing rating.

I crashed fairly seriously in my slightly younger days and landed on my head. The shield on my helmet at the time was scratched all to hell and back, without a full-face I'd have had no face. It's not that great a face, but it beats having a crater where it used to be...
I had a simular experience when I high sided on a oil spill and went skidding down the road face first ,I was wearing an Eldorado full face and the visor was torn off and my nose (some may call it a beak) was the only spot that hit the road the forehead and chin part of the helmet looked like they had been hit with a grinder ,I can only imagine what could have been, my main injury apart from a broken beak was the rivets of my Levi Jean pocket were worn off and stuck a half an inch into my skin ouch!

Yes; BUT, did you ride with a striped railroad beanie????
Yes; BUT, did you ride with a striped railroad beanie????
I can see where this is heading, No from memory it was a black woollen one that was big enough to cover my ears in winter ,and I used to wear a pair of split lens goggles to complete the ensemble, Casey Jones I aint!
I may have an old Photo somewhere to get a laugh.
my main injury apart from a broken beak was the rivets of my Levi Jean pocket were worn off and stuck a half an inch into my skin ouch!

Ouch, indeed! There are some pretty great kevlar-lined jeans out there to be had nowadays that do a great job of dealing with abrasion while still looking good, I picked up some from Drayko / Dragginjeans.net (down there in Australia, no less) who use a material called Dyneema that's excellent. Dragginjeans.net are one of the few lined jeans outfits that have gotten CE ratings for some of the jeans themselves. The way I see it there's no downside, still get the jeans look and comfort as well as abrasion protection. They even have them for really big guys, at least one model, not sure if more than one.