My rocket touring ticks all the boxes for me
Margaret phone 4April 101.JPG
well if this thread is fairdinkum i might go and buy a touring for the sake of keeping one to do touring on. anybody around the traps have a roadster and a touring?
lol, nah I'll keep it stock. Might get neb to put a charger on it just to give it some guts and leave it as it is.
well if this thread is fairdinkum i might go and buy a touring for the sake of keeping one to do touring on. anybody around the traps have a roadster and a touring?

Yes I do but might be selling the roadster
how do you find the difference between the 2?

They are both tuned all most the same in numbers one will not out run the other the roadster is more fun to play in the twisty and for rides of a few 100 miles the touring is still fun in the curves just dont have the lean ability but is to me a lot more comfy on a long ride and have had passengers say the same I have more room to store things as well lower seat height for on and off the bike the only big grip I have one the touring is I dont like the gauges on the tank wish they where mounted on the bars tried to keep it short and sweet for ya hope it helps