Electrical problem TFC rocket


.020 Over
Mar 10, 2019
norh yorkshire UK
went to get my bike out pressed key fob it went to green, pressed red start switch up then down but all that happened was nothing showing on display clock but all warning lights and head lights just keep flashing on and off, it had some very small words on the left side off clock flashing on/off at the same time to quickly to read. bike would start and run but no display showing it just kept warning/head lights flashing on off, disconnected battery to see if things would reset but no , just the same , triumph shop closed for holidays, anybody had same issue??? all help would be appreciated.
I had some similar (though not as extreme) & starting issues - thought it was the battery dying. Modern vehicles REALLY don't like even a slightly weak battery.
Mine turned out to be minor corrosion on the battery leads. Cleaned them up & it's been perfect since.
I would guess battery also
Just enough battery to start but not enough to let it charge.
U can check with volt meter
Or it would b interresting to put a charger on it to see what happens.

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