Electrical Gremlin Strikes Again

Ya so much quality they couldn't afford to put good forks on it. Then came out with the horse power castrated but that helps it with the harley theme
so is it all good now?

No, I'm still working on it, just took a short break to take the lady out for dinner. I'm talking to @TURBO200R4 outside of this thread, and we're trying to work through it. He's asked me to try to power the starter solenoid directly from the battery, and I'm not sure where he's wanting me to short to. If anyone could take a picture to show me that'd be greatly appreciated.
I had the same problem, see the corroded wire in the photo. The purple wire comes from the fuse box to power the tacho and speedo.

Thanks for your response, I'll definitely investigate that wire. I do think I already checked most of the wires in the dash plug for continuity, but it's good to know what the purple one does specifically.
OK 08 Touring with gremlins, 12 years is long enough time for corrosion to build up in your multi terminal electric connectors. When you disconnect from under your Nacell are the terminals dry or greasy. If they appear dry then re lube them and also other related connectors at your tank etc. Good luck.

Back of the motor, underneath on the left side. Run heavy wire from + battery terminal to the terminal on the starter with the red arrow. You don’t need to ground anywhere. A short generally is when you are unintentionally making a connection to ground or another circuit.
@TURBO200R4 thanks for the help!

So where I need to power is under the boot?