stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
Battery is sitting at 12.68 volts, outside of the bike. Attached jumper cables to the battery and the starter, the starter spins nicely. I think it's nicely, all I can say for sure is that it does spin. I will start checking the circuits looking for a lower voltage. Should I still be looking for less than 10 volts?
now that we know we have enough volts to crank over we start looking for why it will not crank.
once we confirm that we have more or less than 10 volts at those fuses while putting a load on it (pushing the starter button.) actually may or may not be putting a load on it.

i would venture to say if we have 12 volts on all the fuses that probably we have good ign and the fuse terminals r ok. then we will be ready for next step