dropped roadster

Had you put your foot in your mouth would have been bad enough. Her foot somewhere else would have been much worse.
Yes sir you are right there. I just had my 32 wedding anniversary Thursday which means I know when to say "yes dear" and "what do you think honey"
Hey when your as hansom and debonair as I am you do not have to look smart

Are you same gremlin I met in Montrose???

I have nearly dumped twice by my pant leg catching the foot peg when I step to the pavement after stopping.
Why showing your ass in public builds character.
Are you same gremlin I met in Montrose???

I have nearly dumped twice by my pant leg catching the foot peg when I step to the pavement after stopping.
Ya I catch mine on the Sprint a lot. That's one of the good things about the floor boards on the Falcon and why If I purchase another Rocket I have a complete Classic Floorboard kit in stock.
Ya I catch mine on the Sprint a lot. That's one of the good things about the floor boards on the Falcon and why If I purchase another Rocket I have a complete Classic Floorboard kit in stock.

I intend to do the same - adding boards.
I must be statistic waiting to be counted. I haven't dropped the bike yet, but have had a few close calls, much along the lines of others'.

It only happens when I'm dressed as a beach bum, not when I'm acting as a grown-up and wearing proper bike attire.
  • Laces of my runners getting caught up on the foot pegs. I now tuck the laces in to the shoes out of habit. Problem solved.
  • Soles of said runners smooth as a baby's bottom and losing grip on the sand-covered pavement.

Good thing my passenger:bike-weight ratio is fairly high. I can wrestle the bike back to vertical before it plays dead.
Dropped it once, fell in 2-3 foot of water, plenty beer in my system though:Left indicator broke, no scratches on the bike and me too!needed 2 guys to help me lift it!! But after installing the crash bar on the front, i assume the bike will land on the crash bar! no wanna fall again!

Wish I coulda seen that one!