Haven't had the R3 long; so I haven't had dropped it yet.

But, I set the Voyager down on her right side when doing a right turn into a parking space at work. The lot was being re-striped and I had to park in a different area. Where I usually park has a left slope, this spot had a right slope; stuck my foot down and that extra inch of reach or so that I wasn't expecting had the bike a little too far.

900 lbs came right up easy peasy with my backside against the seat and one hand on the rear crash bar and the other on the bars. :)

Still felt like a noob for a few days. :(

Regardless of how you thing they look,....good or bad.... road bars, motor guards or whatever you want to call them are necessary IMO. It isn't worth the risk. Cheapest insurance you can invest in. When you weigh how much it can cost you from simply laying it over vs cost of the bars, it is a no brainer. But, there are those who have more money than brains and would rather risk multi thousands of possible loss vs how the addition of protective bars look....... I ain't rich but it makes sense to me to spend a couple of hundred for the guards.
the first time mine tipped over I was in the house having my morming coffee. The wifey backed her car into it :( Needless to say I worked very hard on keeping my foot in my mouth so as not to say somethign I will regret!!!!!!
I knew you is a smart man.:)
the first time mine tipped over I was in the house having my morming coffee. The wifey backed her car into it :( Needless to say I worked very hard on keeping my foot in my mouth so as not to say somethign I will regret!!!!!!
Had you put your foot in your mouth would have been bad enough. Her foot somewhere else would have been much worse.