dropped roadster

Welcome to the club. Earlier this year I was tired coming back from a ride and everything was great until I got into my garage, turned her around and then turned the engine off... Got off the bike and forgot to put the kick stand down. Down she went. Thankfully the highway bars prevented my R3 from touching the ground, didn't even get a scratch on the bars.. just lifted it right back up and all was well.
I dropped my Touring a few weeks ago riding with a group in the mountains in upstate New York. A rider in front of me stalled negotiating a tight corner on an uphill road that intersected another uphill road that banked at an angle opposite to the approach road. Evading the stalled bike I found myself aimed at the ditch on the edge of the latter road. I took a hard left into the latter uphill road and then went down.
My left leg was pinned under the bike. It took a few guys to get the machine off me.
My left crash bar and my left boot took it for the team. I had to touch up paint the left floorboard (bracket?) too. The bar that supports the left floorboard had no damage.
I was riding with a passenger and the luggage rack was loaded. I might have succeeded the maneuver had I been riding alone. The machine's center of gravity is higher with a passenger.
My wife was standing there while I was backing out... I bent over, grabbed the bars and lifted(I thought she had a hold somewhere, too ) ... turned out, it was all me. She said she didn't get a chance to put any muscle into it. ...not sure if I could do it again, I know it's supposed to be a heavy machine.

One day, while removing the rear tire to change the brake pads, I lifted with the luggage rack while my son put a block under the motor. The next time I needed to take the wheel off to change rubber, I couldn't do it. I guess it depends on the day...
I tipped mine over on it's right side in my backyard the other day. It literally had just come off the moving truck and I wanted her on my porch so I could do some work to her. That's what I get for trying to push her around in flip-flops. Luckily, I'm a big dude so it wasn't too hard to get her back up. No damage, thanks to the engine bars.
Had a similar experience recently. I was doing a low speed U turn in the hospital entrance near me (handy) which had a slight downhill grade. mid turn with the clutch out the revs were not high enough and it stalled spitting me off. It bent the front brake and foot brake levers Managed to straighten the foot brake back home but the same process didn't work for the front one, it snapped. Had to buy a new one from Triumph Birmingham £46!!!!
On the plus side I discovered that I could stand it up again all on my own and towards the hill from the downhill side. Impressed myself.
TOP TIP: If you are unfortunate enough to drop it on it's right side put the side stand out before trying to right it, that way if you do over cook it, it ain't going to go crashing over the other way. Same can't be said for left side drops sadly.
Don't feel bad, I've dropped my bike after a long ride, thought I was all good when I Got home, felt great after the ride, turned the bike off, got off the bike... forgot to put the kick stand down!! Down she went on the left side, but I had the crash bars on so absolutely nothing happened other then just balancing on the triumph highway peg... managed to lift it up and not a single scratch, in fact.. the only thing that got scratched was my garage floor, the bike is still flawless. I was pissed for about a day or 2 but then figure meh
Yup, me too! TWICE! First one was on the side of the road, with a flat rear tire. Parked on right side of the road (USA) and with the stand down on the left side, and the sloop of the road, it was just about balanced. While trying to get the hose from my friends portable air tank onto the ****ed rear valve stem, and the help of a passing semi, she went over on the right side, with me underneath. Funny, she just laid there, both wheels in the air. In the grass on the side of the road, no damage at all. 4 plugs and 2 cans of fix-a-flat, 2 trips to refill the portable air tank, and I was able to nurse her home.
Second time was the only time anybody else has been on my Girl. Friend, and his wife both have big Hardly dressers. I let him take the Rocket for a ride. All went well, till he tried to do a slow turn around in his paved driveway. And I was standing right next to him too. Tilted too far, and she spit him off like spitting a watermelon seed! Only slight scratches on the end of the clutch lever, nothing else. Never saw anyone soooo embarrassed as my friend was. Both times I had another person to help put her on her feet. At 65 and with my arthritis, I don't think I could lift her up by myself, unless maybe some good lookin chick was watching me at the time! Ha!
It's cool how if it's put down fairly gently the bar ends and foot control bars take all the weight.