
Mar 6, 2012
some questions on it. I hope in every suggestions.

do you know if T1270272 blocks it, neither coming out, whereby only thing is broken it.. it's so or my memory on this hypothesis isn't corresponding to the truth.. nothing unforeseen conversely for T1270365 or
I remember wrong..
I noticed some rust though not in rilief, how it should be removed without ruining nothing.. For rule out something doesn't work properly or would not be sliding enough.. I thought remove every bolt MFU screwed on behind side, for know how it's inside so if everything without no unexpected or else hitch.. therefore I would do it for the rest too, therefore everything else.

front side .JPG
center zoom.JPG
behind side.JPG
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T1270365 is a hollow magnetic bolt and it will break

I didn't knew risk for it too, how could I do for rule out it..
I should unscrew it for I think it should be purged..
this one ugly possibility it's for T1270365 too or it isn't so..
therefore no risk however if I remove everything else..
precisely both T1270130 or every MFU bolts on behind side..
torque wrench it's useful or needful..
know you bolts setting for unscrew..
however for screw too if it's different..
Don’t remove what you call mfu bolts, it’s a non serviceable unit. Remove drain bolt t1270365 and drain 90wt hypoid oil, then reinstall it with a small torque wrench to spec, be careful not to break it be very easy light, then remove only bolt t1270130 and fill with your oil 90wt gear oil until it runs out of that hole, reinstall fill bolt, and grease like mitzy said, language barrier I understand, don’t take that unit apart, not recommended to do that. Look in idk members signature and there you will find a service manual for use.