@Claviger Bike runs fine without the DP AFR activated......albeit probably lean due to the RAMAIR so nothing is broken on the bike but you are right the ft lbs do drop 27 or whatever...It loses torque with the RAMAIR on the stock map. But it idles at 900, starts normal and runs fine with the RAM and the DP enable or disabled-it runs the same with the DP enabled or disabled so I think it is by passing it...Dobeck said the RAM with a base map was throwing the fuel tables so far our that their AFR cant see it but they have a wideband O2 sensor on it specifically provided by them...So if the bike runs normally with or with out the DP powered up the AF ratios must be right enough for their wideband to see, I think I have a defective unit-AFR.
But as a Side...unless mapping can fix it ..The RAMAIR is a big torque loser and causes the bike to rev fast but you do lose the Saturn V low RPM feel. Feels like a FJR 1300 now or a ST1300 ...Heres a pic of my ECU and I have a cable on order from Loneloc in London...I am not frying my valves so until Hanso or whomever can tell me what map to drop on a bike with a K and N and or RAMAIR....OR...the DP starts working....Not risking ruining the valves by running lean. In close....the take away is the bike runs 100 per cent normal except it revs fast and has lost Torque as Clav said it would with the RAMAIR.
Heres a pic of my ECU...what map is on there?
Thanks guys!