Dobeck AFR+ and RAMAIR post runs badly...


Jan 13, 2016
Aiken, South Carolina
2016 BMW S1000XR
Myself and a mechanic did the RAMAIR and DP AFR+ on a 07 R3C.

Started post install no prob after two backfires and idled totally normally.

Went 12 min after the fan cam on to reset the ECU and turned the bike off to call Dillon at DP.

Got Check Engine Light and bike would not start unless some throttle was held to it and she was ruunning rich as evidenced by the light black smoke then she idled at 750 again with the CEL on and the DP Swung to 10 with the Blue and Green light flashing....I reset the CEL by disconnecting the battery and I need some help setting this AFT and clear the CEL w/o disconnecting the Batt.

The Injectors are plugged in right...The Stock 02 bypass cap is plugged in and I can not figure out what to do...When I rode it for a mile it rode like a monster with the needle pegged at 10 and when I would pushj a button on the gauge it would swing to 12 for a moment and back to 10 with Green Blue lights alernating...Any help would be appreciated!


I've never had the blue/green lights flashing alternately and the instructions don't mention it either. A reading of 10 on the gauge while riding is waaaay too rich (obviously). Please let us know what Dobeck has to say.


You mentioned that th gauge swings from 10 to 12 momentarily when riding if you push the button (The 'Mode' button, I assume). If you only push the mode button once it will be in the open loop setting mode and if that's set at 12 it will be very rich. Try setting it to 13 and see if it makes any difference.
Actually it was swinging to 16 not bad...then I would hit mod and it would momentarily swing to 12.5..THE BIKE IS HOT....Hope I did not cook the valves.....

Can I reset the ECU by disconnecting the battery or what should I do...I have a Tune ECU cable but have not used the program.....

i have to let the bike cool down wow....she was hot..... but the Temp light di not come on....

Can not believe this happened...was OCD careful and hopefully Dillon can be of some more help as hew was totally wihtout any Troubleshooting advice except for the obvious stuff....Check O2 plug and EFI piggy backs.....Now I have a bike that does not does run.

Hey can a regular OBD II read faults on a Triumph Rocket?

If you hook up TuneECU it will give you the error code(s) causing the CEL. Which map do you have in the ECU?

If you hook up TuneECU it will give you the error code(s) causing the CEL. Which map do you have in the ECU?



My tune ecu cable got misplaced and I have another on order....The CEL was a loose vac hose giving a P1105 code which I cleared...Now no codes...Just the dobeck lights sweeping constantly and I think the BIke is bypassing the Dobeck as there is some sort of a prob. You did the AFR+? Does it matter which wire goes to which injector eg 1 -2-3..Dobeck says no...Hard to believe that.
It is physically impossible for it to bypass the Dobeck.

It wont matter which goes to which injector because it manages fuel using batch squirt control, so it manages all injectors at the same time.

Suggest, removing, verifying the bike runs right again without it and going from there. I posted some other suggestions in your other thread.