Didnt pass any other bikes today...

I'd be riding a lot more often if I could rely on my Rocket starting if the temps are below 45F. No way it starts being this cold. No fire. Getting gas but just won't fire. Brand new battery, too and all the cable mods and starter relay mods and headlight mods.

You have a strange gremlin.
Mine starts fine in 30s or 40s.
I'll ride in the cold, but I wuss out in the rain. Too many idiots here (and everywhere else) that can't seem to figure out you can't tailgate in the rain and expect to come to a sudden stop before nailing the poor guy in front of them. I rode to work for about a week while temps hovered around 23f. Everybody thought I was insane. Finally on a rainy day, one guy noticed my bike wasn't parked in its usual spot so he asked, "Not cold enough to ride today?"...smarta$$
Settle petal. I think you'll find it was done in jest. As for use of the word badass, now that's worth having a dig at.

Just doing my part to make sure this doesn't turn into a Harley forum style *****measuring contest. Next thing you know we'll be hearing about how lame we are because we don't ride a million miles a year. Before you know it we'll starting adding chrome and wearing vests and doo rags. Next step full blown pirate costume. :eek: Then what? TOG? Triumph Owners Group. :roll: Lets see who has the most pins on their vest.
Getting my new doo rag today.

The White Pride one must be for riders wishing to cover an empty head!:eek:
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