Harley owners are a tough crowd to please
Bit of a generalization there, however see here -
Hands free security system?
One of the XR1200 guys (who had initially reached out to me for a Key-Less System for his girlfriends Bonneville) asked if there was any way I could make this adaptable to his Harley.
(that's actually a really nice model!)
As I started to look into it, I found that Harley's already come with a Hands-Free Remote,
Security system - but not actually Key-less ignition
(I've discussed this with
@R3Tex previously and he has been valuable source of information - also my best customer!!!

Now on some models, you don't need the key (other than for the steering lock) & the ignition switch is a big knob that you can just turn (if not locked).
But on the XR1200 (and Dyna models I looked at - I'm sure there are others) you absolutely need the key to turn it on.
The original poster of that thread linked, seemed to think it was quite odd to have a Hands-Free Security system, but still have to dig for your key!!
So I thought this looked like a good 'fit' and indeed my requester though so, or would not have asked.
Anyway, as I looked into it I found I could indeed adapt my controller to utilize the hands-free OEM security system of the Harley without having to use the commercial controller I use for that part of the function.
I've actually designed a pretty sweet system if I say so myself which again will be pretty much plug n play (although bizarrely the key-switch harness is hard-spliced into the main harness - no connector! Go figure .....)
- and in the course of that development have done some things that might find their way into a future Triumph system (more on that to come when it becomes appropriate)
Now I honestly 'get' why people don't necessarily want this - and there are probably many Rocket owners here who would not consider this as an attractive feature .
What I don't get is negativity that dismisses an idea just because that individual personally has no desire.
I'm happy to say have NEVER experienced that from this forum - it's why I enjoy hanging out here!
Thank you sincerely for the wonderful support I've had from everyone at R3owners.