Decosse's keyless ignition

Hi have you got any ignition kits available, my stock one just fried itself. If I turn the bars to the right kills the motor and shuts down the electrics.
Are they just a simple plug in system, not very electrical minded.
Would I need a headlight relay kit?
Tried to figure out how to pm you couldn't sorry
Oh yeah it's a 06 classic and I am in Australia

Hey Scott pm ken @DEcosse that way he will get the message.
Hi have you got any ignition kits available, my stock one just fried itself. If I turn the bars to the right kills the motor and shuts down the electrics.
Are they just a simple plug in system, not very electrical minded.
Would I need a headlight relay kit?
Tried to figure out how to pm you couldn't sorry
Oh yeah it's a 06 classic and I am in Australia
You will need a headlight relay kit or the problem will resurface.

The original switch can be repaired by soldering the wire that came off, but you will need to replace two tamper-proof screws with metric bolts when you pull the ignition switch apart.

If you look at my signature you will find instructions on how to make a very in-expensive keyless system, which has worked on my bike for a number of years and tens of thousands of miles. However, I will say that DEcosse's system has technical advantages, as it should have for the difference in cost.
You will need a headlight relay kit or the problem will resurface.

The original switch can be repaired by soldering the wire that came off, but you will need to replace two tamper-proof screws with metric bolts when you pull the ignition switch apart.

If you look at my signature you will find instructions on how to make a very in-expensive keyless system, which has worked on my bike for a number of years and tens of thousands of miles. However, I will say that DEcosse's system has technical advantages, as it should have for the difference in cost.
Yeah figure if I have to go into or replace the ignition would go Keyless as was already looking at relocating it for easier access anyway. Would prefer a simple plug in system.
Yes, it is a simple plug-in system. If you are comfortable enough to remove the seat, and lift the gas tank, you're all set. There is an extra step if you are in the minority of folks who installed the McCruise cruise control from down your way.

And yes, you will want to also purchase from Ken the headlight bypass relay . . . and it's more versatile than a simple bypass in that it has capacity and extra terminals for additional electrics you may want to add later.

Even if there weren't the problem with the Rocket design running all load through the ignition switch, I would still want the keyless ignition -- it's that kewl and convenient.
Hi Scott - I'll PM you info

... And yes, you will want to also purchase from Ken the headlight bypass relay . . . and it's more versatile than a simple bypass in that it has capacity and extra terminals for additional electrics you may want to add later....

I think you might be confusing the Headlight Relay kit with the PDM60 option Joesmoe - the headlight relay kit is a pair of relays used primarily to bypass the OEM Key-Switch to prevent thevery problem that Scott (& many others) experienced.
My 'Std' Key-Less Ignition kit uses relays to switch the control circuits, previously switched by the key-switch itself; an 'upgrade' option is the PDM60 which is a Solid-State Switch with 6 circuits: 3 of these are used for the Key-Less circuits and the other three can used for accessory hook-up.

You don't 'need' the headlight relay kit with the Key-Less Kit, as the key-switch is no longer going to be used, and its primary function is to bypass that.
You do get some benefit from headlight intensity with the headlight relay kit, but as far as reliability goes will no longer be a concern.
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WOW! :eek:
After reading @idk post, I found that I actually knew that! o_O
Holy Moly tis rubbing off a tad! :roll:

BTW - Where has @vanguard138 been???
Haven;t seen him around for quite awhile . . .