Daymaker Type Headlights (Chinese Copies)

On this subject at work we had been using Lenser LED headlamps for working underground and thought they were great. They were NZ$90.00 per set and we thought they were German made. We then found out they were "designed" in Germany. We found exactly the same(minus the Lenser name on the headband) unit for same on AliExpress for $3.00USD (say $6.00NZ) with free shipping to NZ. We ordered some in, they were identical. Just shows the mark ups that get put on gear sometimes. Probably went from China to warehouse, to Aussie distributor, to NZ distributor, to Engineering wholesaler, before we got our grubby mits on it. Everyone's putting a margin on but it was being sold as a "top of the line light system".

We have also received some absolute rubbish product and nearly been ripped off by fake companies.

I'm really interested in these "Daymakers" though and will await reports
Well until enough of the "clone" lights are tried out, we won't know if they are a suitable lower cost alternative. Any of you guys who do dare to try them, please post your results.
Have bought two - although I don't claim them to be clones but LED's in their own right - I have already promised to post my results but at the moment work is getting in the way but it will happen.... eventually.

Twas wondering if I might insult the intelligence of some of youse Aussie motorheads.
The NIST qualification is a legal requirement and really not necessary as long as you do utilize a light meter of good enough quality that is capable of being certified.
If not, it will be like measuring with both a metric and US scale and you'll learn nothing.

OK, OK! Truth be told, I was just trying to sound smart!