Day makers for Rocket 3

It seems that when the lamps get warm there is current leakage on to the high beam feed, the best way to eliminate this is to fit a 5A diode on each high beam feed.
What's the voltage drop of the diode? 0.3V?

I didn't have any 5A diode on hand. I put a 1/4W 1.8K resistor from high beam to ground and that fixed it.
Been following this post and I am confused. What type of lights did you all install? I installed JW Speakers the Harley type and have not had a lick of problems. Have my parking lights, brights and low beam. No issues at all after about 10,000 miles. Just really good lighting under all conditions. Just plugged them in and rode on.

Cheap Chinese ones from Amazon...look awesome, work awesome....turn the high beam indicator on permanently.
Resurecting this old thread, need names and places of where to buy daymakers that dont cost $600 please, @Kevin frazier has a nice set but forgot where he told me he got them from