Darkside mc


This has been an interesting thread so far.
Now IMFAST2 has a rocket.
Cool, about time.
His choice huh guys?
Me, I'll NEVER got back to a metz.
Can't wait to see pics and hear the report.
YEP IM A ROCKETEER now IMFASTTOO I think the CT sucks on the ROCKET my bike handles so nice did another 200 miles today and ran it hard through the twisties no sliding sliping or tire spin as I raced a group of HOT ROD harleys 2 with SS engines 124CI raced from a dead stop no tire spin at all so tell me how your smoking the tire so bad ??? I love the stories you CT guys come up with HOW come my bike doesnt do any of this stuff ??? you guys are always locking up the back tire ??? why dont I ??? I think you guys are smoking something other than the tires
you guys are always locking up the back tire ??? why dont I ??? I think you guys are smoking something other than the tires

I'm not a CT guy, but I'll venture a guess on that one. Did you happen to purchase the model with ABS??
ABS looks like standard equipment on the Roadster. Looking at Triumphs web site I didn't see where it was an option.
Bought an 09 classic no ABS and dont need itnone of the mysterious lock ups and slides and spinning the rear tire everytime I leave a light gee maybe I have a SUPER METZ
Maybe yours is just "Super Stock".
For a "seasoned mechanic" I'd have thought you absorbed the limitations built into a stock R3. They don't spin the tire and they don't slip around corners under acceleration. They built 'em that way on purpose.
There are a few little things that need to be done before the greasy Metz shows it's weaknesses. After the "little mods" you won't be drag racing Harley's, HOT ROD or not ... you wouldn't bother. Whats a tweeked Hog put out anyway? ... 125hp and 90 ft lbs? That's probably about what a stock R3 puts on the ground in 1st-3rd gears, maybe a little more.
We are talking about using the bigger contact patch on a car tire needing to stick upwards of 150hp and 158 ft lbs to the ground in FIRST GEAR! But thats after the 1st gear power reduction has been eliminated and the bikes overall power has been restored to it's full potential.
And I don't check the "bikers handbook" each time I use the brakes either, I grab what I need, when I need it, from wherever I feel it should come from. 90/10-70/30-50/50 never crosses my mind ... but when the 240 rear Metz can't handle any serious brake application without locking up and sliding at higher speed, then it's worthless to me as a brake. Many times I've used the same amount of force I applied earlier at slower speeds where it worked fine, only to have it start sliding for no reason. I don't like that feeling. It feels .... unreliable.
Well I broke a fog lamp bracket today **** things are not rated for constant thrashing above 120. Or the **** thing took to much of a jolt during the landing after I got a wee bit to much air. I wonder if Triumph would just sell the bracket
The beastie was running well I need a few more minor A/F tweaks mostly 3000 to 4000 rpm's as it is a little bit fat. but she will set you back against the drivers back rest when you twist the throttle at 130 mph. Love them **** Classic's
Lester I was confused too, (still am) I remember reading this not long ago .....

"WELL not that it matters but I have a ROADSTER coming in so then maybe I can hang out with you guys supposed to be in thurs then you can come an ride with PHIL AND I and some of the other... "

I guess something changed his mind.
YEP I still have the ROADSTER coming in but wont be here for a month SO found this pretty blue and silver classic and bought it so ill have 2 ROCKETS
Art I know you said you were getting a Roadster but oh well I know how deals fall though or a really good bargain comes up. Just don't get over confident with your "Super Metzler" I don't want your next post to be from a hospital bed. You are an obnoxious pain in the ass but I still don't wish you any ill will.

Ride It Like You Stole It!!