Darkside mc

Why don't you input the bike you ride in your profile and upload a picture of it for your avatar
Thats a great idea .... what you ride and the personal modifications done to it are even better than a face in reflecting an indivdual personality. I'll take a new pic tomorrow since it doesn't even look like that anymore.

well not exactly. Motorcycle tires are just like car tires, dealers buy from wholesalers and so do the two guys I mentioned above, so they buy at the same price as the tire shops and charge less because they have less overhead.
YES running car tires because there inexpensive makes no sense and then put up with evil handling wobbling etc HEY if you cant afford real tires dont ride your also endangering other peaple on the road

"evil handling" "wobbling" "endangering other people on the road" ?????. What an odd statement to make IMFAST Did you not comprehend any part of what was highlighted in previous posts about none of the above ever being reported for the many thousands of car tire running bikes on the road?

or did you just decide to ignore it as you don't like facts to get in the way of your theories and seat of the pants observations

I was nearly wiped out a week ago by a bike crossing to my side of the road on a bend. It was a sportbike, so I assume it wasn't running a car tire. Now THAT'S what I call endangering other people on the road, not running a car tire that has never been linked to "endangerment"......

If you choose not to recommend car tires to your friends/customers as you mentioned in an earlier post that's obviously your call, but I do hope you are not making up claims like the ones you have used above when you are giving your reasons, as that would be less than an honest approach.


WELL I RODE PHILS bike with what he called the perfect CAR TIRE and the handling was HORRIBLE and then we went on a spirirted ride on some very nice twisty roads and PHIL followed when we stopped we saw that he had ridden off the tread of the FLAT CAR TIRE and was running on the SIDE WALLS and had ground the lettering off and would obviously grind through the side wall in no time as there is no tread and the side walls are thin so ive seen enough and your not going to ride the roads with us using a CAR TIRE and I call it DANGEROUS an accident waiting to happen
A couple of questions...well more then a couple

Having just now learned that there are some riders who use car tires on their motorcycles I have a couple of questions. Please some honest answers no rhetoric.

1. What exactly is the advantage of using a car tire?
2. Is it improving the handling?
3. Is the stopping distance improved because of a bigger contact patch?
4. What are the down sides (if any) of using a car tire.
5. Do you use them front and back
6. Compared to a motorcycle tire is the price much different
7. Are they limited to say drag racing or do they make a good all around touring tire.
8. Are they safer then using a motorcycle tire?
9. Why isn't everyone doing it?
10 Lastly why is anyone doing it?
Having just now learned that there are some riders who use car tires on their motorcycles I have a couple of questions. Please some honest answers no rhetoric.

Since you are on an R3T, my comments may not directly apply to you since I'm on an R3 Standard. I'll answer based on my experiences. Since I am primarily a commuter/touring rider, our riding style may be similar since you went for the R3T.

1. What exactly is the advantage of using a car tire?

As with any modification, there are compromises. The good for me has been stopping power, longevity, slightly improved gas mileage, and a slight correction to the speedo error. My tire is slightly larger in circumference than the stock tire. And you can't dismiss that it looks cool, too.

2. Is it improving the handling?

This is a totally subjective answer. Some may say that the handling is the other side of the compromise. However, my experience has been very positive in regards to handling. I "feel" more secure using my c/t than using the standard Metzler. The countersteering effort is increased slightly but I didn't notice it after the first 100 miles on it. Yes, at slow speeds there is some leveraging when crossing an irregular surface but, again, I barely notice it. I'm fairly large so my weight may help in taming these issues.

3. Is the stopping distance improved because of a bigger contact patch?

This is the primary reason why I went darkside. On 2 occasions I had to make a sudden stop due to traffic and both time the rear brake locked up the stock Metzler and the rear end started to slide out. Fortunately, I was able to recover before highsiding. Unfortunately, several other Captains on this board did not and ended up with bent and broken parts. I personally, and it is my own opinion only, is that the stock Metzler is a safety hazard. I will never mount another on my Rocket. If forced to, I will sell my bike. With my c/t, I have never had it lock up and sudden stops are controlled and immediate.

4. What are the down sides (if any) of using a car tire.

The main downside is finding someone to mount it.

5. Do you use them front and back

No. Just the back. Yeah, Batman ran darkside front and back but I wouldn't go there.

6. Compared to a motorcycle tire is the price much different

Metzler : $220 or more + $50-$75 mounting good for 6-9 thousand miles.
Riken Raptor : $85 + $10 mounting good for 20-30 thousand miles or more.

Economics are compelling. And yes, for me, the economics are part of the reason I bought a motorcycle. It's a $15k motorcycle and I'm concerned about the expenses. That's part of the reason I didn't buy a $23k motorcycle.

7. Are they limited to say drag racing or do they make a good all around touring tire.

I just completed an Iron Butt Saddlesore 1000 and 4 days later did a Bun Burner 1500 on my c/t. Yeah, they're great for touring.

8. Are they safer then using a motorcycle tire?

This is another completely subjective answer. For my application and my riding style, yes, I consider it safer than the stock Metzler. But that is for my scenario. Others with more aggressive riding styles I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

9. Why isn't everyone doing it?

It doesn't apply to everyone's riding style or needs. Some have tried and couldn't make the adjustment or their mind couldn't let go of the idea of running a c/t on a motorcycle. I really can't speak for them. I was sceptical at first but am thankful that I did it.

10 Lastly why is anyone doing it?

For my reasons listed above. The Metzler was scaring me so much that I was considering selling the bike. Also, the downtime and the economics of spending over $800 per year changing out rear tires didn't appeal to me either.

If you're down Chesterfield way, come on up to Fredericksburg and we'll go out and you can give it try on mine. I'd love to spend a few miles on an R3T as well.
That has to be one of the most objective, thorough responses on this subject I've seen.

A bit attaboy for taking the time to do that.
That has to be one of the most objective, thorough responses on this subject I've seen.

A big attaboy for taking the time to do that.
It's one hell of alot better that the reasons I've heard from some against it .....

"BECAUSE I SAID SO!" ---- is not a good reason.

Good discussions make for better informed decisions, standing on a soap-box and preaching the "Devil will get you if you do it" is detrimental to the exchange of info.

Thanks for taking the time tdragger (Did I type GPMAZ in there before? don't go all Sigmond Freud and say I was thinking about you) .
Excellent summery tdragger, your reasons for running a car tire mirror my own.

There are times though that I wish I had an extra wheel with an Avon cobra mounted so I try the lite side again. After 7500 miles with the CT I don't remember what the MT was like.
Square car tires on a mc

WELL PICKED up my new R3 today rode about 200 miles of course it has the stock METZ tires and it handles great no sliding no tire spin no wobbling gee how come ??? you guys must ride a lot harder than I and of course its doesnt do any of the rear wheel steering of a CT and I ran it over till the pegs dragged and it didnt run off the tread and on to the sidewall ??? ILL ride with PHIL tomorrow and we will switch bikes for a good comparison and im tryng to see what IM missing as you guys are raving about how wonderful these CTs are so I have to keep an open mind