MOTORCYCLE tires and rims are designed to lock together so that in case of a quick loss of air the tire will remain locked on the rim to prevent loss of control so you can come to a safe stop CAR tires do not fit on motorcycle wheels correctly and will not lock on as they are a different configuration and are designed to lock on CAR rims . The fact that you dont ride much is not going to change anything or make it any safer even though you exceed the speed limits by not much . so it comes down to saving money and not being as safe on the bargain basement tires . AND your doing this on the Almighty Rocket the largest displacement production motorcycle .

IMFASTOO; Thank you for your reply.

This is the guy that started the whole thing or at least started publishing material on dark siding. The Dark Side

Wow, did a Google search on the issue and all debates get heated pretty rapidly. Could not find specific cases of "catastrophic failures of car tires installed on motorcycles".

I understand the bead adaptation issues. Are there any known cases of spontaneous separation that you know of? Better yet, do you know of any of these cases?
I will try deflating my CT and see if I can get if off the rim without a machine. It was hard to get it in there.
Rick, we will be feeding more objective and verifiable information about the added safety concerns, centered on Darksiding, over time. As you can readily see, conversations about this subject can very easily digress and then blow up, adversely affecting a great community at large - such as we all enjoy on this site - and we do not want to overly threaten or disrupt that.

You can expect another PM or phone call sometime soon to discuss the subject at hand with greater specificity and total objectivity.
IMFASTOO; Thank you for your reply.

This is the guy that started the whole thing or at least started publishing material on dark siding. The Dark Side

Wow, did a Google search on the issue and all debates get heated pretty rapidly. Could not find specific cases of "catastrophic failures of car tires installed on motorcycles".

I understand the bead adaptation issues. Are there any known cases of spontaneous separation that you know of? Better yet, do you know of any of these cases?
I will try deflating my CT and see if I can get if off the rim without a machine. It was hard to get it in there.
THE problem is having the tire deflate and pull off the bead when your traveling at say highway or any speed for that matter thats the purpose of having the saftey rims and bead lock to prevent any seperation and loss of control .
Rick, we will be feeding more objective and verifiable information about the added safety concerns, centered on Darksiding, over time. As you can readily see, conversations about this subject can very easily digress and then blow up, adversely affecting a great community at large - such as we all enjoy on this site - and we do not want to overly threaten or disrupt that.

You can expect another PM or phone call sometime soon to discuss the subject at hand with greater specificity and total objectivity.
LOTS of bikes use mechanical rim locks that bolt to the inside of the rim and lock the tire to the rim to keep it on the rim in the case of sudden deflation to prevent loss of control . OK now can we have more booty pics ?
THE problem is having the tire deflate and pull off the bead when your traveling at say highway or any speed for that matter thats the purpose of having the saftey rims and bead lock to prevent any seperation and loss of control .
for the 10 millionth time, post one accident caused by a car tire, the blah blah blah is not credible and if you dont post one all your credibility about the issue will be as invalid as your comments about 100$ mc tires, you beating everybody with your loaned motorcycle, you been a drag racer you riden every bike ever made etc etc etc:whitstling::whitstling:
Mexican, I said I would not post in this thread again, but somebody's got say the following.

1. Did you bother to read my post on accident reports?

2. Did you bother to read TriumphPhil's post on insurance adjustment?

Your arguments are the worst presented. They're based on anti-anecdotal evidence.

This thread has served its purpose.

We got to see some titties. We got to see some badonkadonks.

We learned that bike tires and car tires are different.

We learned that motorcyclists aren't the sharpest tools in the shed much of the time.

We learned that some guys are so much smarter than the engineers that design these systems that they can't wait to add car tires.

We learned that car tires ride better, handle better, are cheaper, and are only not used because of some great conspiracy to take your money.

I had dinner with Bridgestone's Chief Motorcycle Tire Engineer In Nashville about 10 years ago. We were discussing the student Formula Car race series sponsored by SAE. When he found out that I was a lifelong motorcyclist, he wanted to pick my brain on what motivates people to think that a car tire is a suitable tire for a bike. I told him that it looked to me like cheapness first, lack of understanding of any physics or materials science second, and pigheadedness third.

It's Darwinian and a natural order. There is nothing anyone can say to change the minds of the committed, so ... nuff said.
Mexican, I said I would not post in this thread again, but somebody's got say the following.

1. Did you bother to read my post on accident reports?

2. Did you bother to read TriumphPhil's post on insurance adjustment?

Your arguments are the worst presented. They're based on anti-anecdotal evidence.

This thread has served its purpose.

We got to see some titties. We got to see some badonkadonks.

We learned that bike tires and car tires are different.

We learned that motorcyclists aren't the sharpest tools in the shed much of the time.

We learned that some guys are so much smarter than the engineers that design these systems that they can't wait to add car tires.

We learned that car tires ride better, handle better, are cheaper, and are only not used because of some great conspiracy to take your money.

I had dinner with Bridgestone's Chief Motorcycle Tire Engineer In Nashville about 10 years ago. We were discussing the student Formula Car race series sponsored by SAE. When he found out that I was a lifelong motorcyclist, he wanted to pick my brain on what motivates people to think that a car tire is a suitable tire for a bike. I told him that it looked to me like cheapness first, lack of understanding of any physics or materials science second, and pigheadedness third.

It's Darwinian and a natural order. There is nothing anyone can say to change the minds of the committed, so ... nuff said.

Excellent post!
Could not of said it any better.
Also, even the discussion and process of tire pressure experimenting should tell one A-LOT!
However, if ridden prudently and saving money being the object, I think a large cruiser can get away with it.