Tis the crooked-ass insurance companies, including your own, that I would be concerned with most - not the coppers.
I think the law had better things to do than bother me about my tires.
YES its all fun and games till someone gets hurt or killed then the game changes and someone is blamed for the use of the incorrect tire and causing the accident so it can turn into a nasty court case so keep that in mind.
I personally don't give a rats arse what tyre anyone uses on their bikes as long as they don't preach to me the pros and cons of either , after 50 odd years of riding (not so odd really) I know what I want and do,t just like my choice of Bias front tyres and Radial rear tyres, my choice no ones business but mine, if you are not breaking any laws and are happy with CT on your bikes then just DOOOOO EEEET!
People keep saying "you never hear about car tires and motorcycle accidents."

Of course you don't. Read any accident report for cars or motorcycles. They don't generally go into details about car tires vs. motorcycle tires.

Most people at the initial investigation scene wouldn't even recognize the difference. You'd have to hire an expert witness to do an examination, and then you'd only do that if there was significant liability caused by the motorcycle.

Usually in an accident either a car turned left into the bike, or the bike ran off the road in a curve at too great a speed. No more than that is reported.

And usually the damage caused by the bike to the cage is modest, and the cage driver is not injured.

So ... this idea that if there were accidents related to car tires on bikes they'd be reported is a red herring.

I won't post again in this thread. A few people ought to like that.

As I said, I honestly don't care what you choose to do ... but I do hope that it doesn't bite you. The bite is predictable, even if 99% of the riders never experience it.

All of the objective info about CTs on MC rims has been posted here, ad nauseum, including the FACT that there have been plenty of catastrophic tire separation issues and more often than not they badly injure or kill the rider and the accident causes third party damages. Generally that means that such cases usually go to court and the insurance companies require defendants and sometimes plaintiffs to sign non-disclosure agreements if an out-of-court settlement is reached, which is exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases. Insurance companies don't sqauwk about the issue because if one of their insureds is in an accident and if the insurer learns that the proximate cause of their insureds' accident is catastrophic tire separation due to incompatible tire and rim beads; Guess what, the insurer not only denies their insured's claim, they invalidate that customer's policy entirely (read the fine print in ANY MC insurance policy and you'll learn why the insurer is 100% within their rights to do so) and the poor schmuck who thought he was covered for his damages and those caused to others is responsible for all of the liability caused by using unsafe or improper equipment (i.e. a CT) of his own pocket. The insurance company walks away scot-free and going back to the utilization of nondisclosure agreem,ents, nobody, and I mean, NOBODY is the wiser.

I respect other folks right to make their own decisions provided that you pose no threat of harm to others or to their property. While I do respect the right for people to make ther own decisions, where and when warranted, I usually don't respect dumb, ill-founded or bad decisions. CTs on bikes haven't risen to that level for me, yet, but do I know that for me, after about 25,000 miles on The Darkside, it was a very ill-informed and foolish decision and knowing what I know today as incontrovertible FACT,the decision to put a CT on a MC rim is one that I would never even think about repeating.
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Geeze, steve, that there is sating

All of the objective info about CTs on MC rims has been posted here, ad nauseum, including the FACT that there have been plenty of catastrophic tire separation issues and more often than not they badly injure or kill the rider and the accident causes third party damages. Generally that means that such cases usually go to court and the insurance companies require defendants and sometimes plaintiffs to sign non-disclosure agreements if an out-of-court settlement is reached, which is exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases. Insurance companies don't sqauwk about the issue because if one of their insureds is in an accident and if the insurer learns that the proximate cause of their insureds' accident is catastrophic tire separation due to incompatible tire and rim beads; Guess what, the insurer not only denies their insured's claim, they invalidate that customer's policy entirely (read the fine print in ANY MC insurance policy and you'll learn why the insurer is 100% within their rights to do so) and the poor schmuck who thought he was covered for his damages and those caused to others is responsible for all of the liability caused by using unsafe or improper equipment (i.e. a CT) of his own pocket. The insurance company walks away scot-free and going back to the utilization of nondisclosure agreem,ents, nobody, and I mean, NOBODY is the wiser.

I respect other folks right to make their own decisions provided that you pose no threat of harm to others or to their property. While I do respect the right for people to make ther own decisions, where and when warranted, I usually don't respect dumb, ill-founded or bad decisions. CTs on bikes haven't risen to that level for me, yet, but do I know that for me, after about 25,000 miles on The Darkside, it was a very ill-informed and foolish decision and knowing what I know today as incontrovertible FACT,the decision to put a CT on a MC rim is one that I would never even think about repeating.
of course there has never been a motorcycle tire come apart that has ever caused an accident
YES some of the goons I know ride without any protection no Helmet ,Jacket , gloves ,glasses , shorts, flip flops , the worst one is CRAKHEAD JOHN hes always High or Drunk and riding BAR to BAR I cant be around this idiot hes a disaster SO running a CAR TIRE is not safe you can get away with it till your tire deflates for any number of reasons that can cause it to loose air quickly and it will seperate from the rim as they will not lock on the saftey bead of a motorcycle wheel so if that happens at highway speeds or any speed you and your passenger are in serious trouble with this unsafe combination of of mismatched equipment that were never designed to be used together SO GOOD LUCK trying to rationalize your choice of tiires to save a couple of dollars and risk hurting yourself and sadly your unknowing passenger .
:roll: :roll: Crak head John ? :laugh: :laugh:
Sad to say, John is not a figment of Art's imagination. A true Neanderthal is he - an absolute miracle that he's still breathing, Nat!

Crackheads + Motorcycles = Imperfect Together
Sad to say, John is not a figment of Art's imagination. A true Neanderthal is he - an absolute miracle that he's still breathing, Nat!

Crackheads + Motorcycles = Imperfect Together
:laugh: :laugh: I know a character called Tinsel Tim but Krak head John is loads better . Like a character in a Tarrontino movie ! :roll: :roll:
Every village needs an idiot I guess ? :)
All of the objective info about CTs on MC rims has been posted here, ad nauseum, including the FACT that there have been plenty of catastrophic tire separation issues and more often than not they badly injure or kill the rider and the accident causes third party damages. Generally that means that such cases usually go to court and the insurance companies require defendants and sometimes plaintiffs to sign non-disclosure agreements if an out-of-court settlement is reached, which is exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases. Insurance companies don't sqauwk about the issue because if one of their insureds is in an accident and if the insurer learns that the proximate cause of their insureds' accident is catastrophic tire separation due to incompatible tire and rim beads; Guess what, the insurer not only denies their insured's claim, they invalidate that customer's policy entirely (read the fine print in ANY MC insurance policy and you'll learn why the insurer is 100% within their rights to do so) and the poor schmuck who thought he was covered for his damages and those caused to others is responsible for all of the liability caused by using unsafe or improper equipment (i.e. a CT) of his own pocket. The insurance company walks away scot-free and going back to the utilization of nondisclosure agreem,ents, nobody, and I mean, NOBODY is the wiser.

I respect other folks right to make their own decisions provided that you pose no threat of harm to others or to their property. While I do respect the right for people to make ther own decisions, where and when warranted, I usually don't respect dumb, ill-founded or bad decisions. CTs on bikes haven't risen to that level for me, yet, but do I know that for me, after about 25,000 miles on The Darkside, it was a very ill-informed and foolish decision and knowing what I know today as incontrovertible FACT,the decision to put a CT on a MC rim is one that I would never even think about repeating.

TriumPhill, thank you for your civil and clear comment. Could you please point me in the direction of the "fact that there have been plenty of catastrophic tire separation issues" Do the separations occur when the tire deflate or spontaneously? Can you be more specific about what this separation is? Does the tire just jump the edge of the rim? I'm not trying to argue with you, just trying to become informed and learn from your experience and expertise. If this is in fact true I might reconsider. To me, the cost or inconvenience of the installation is not an issue. It's about a 100$ difference and 5000 miles of service between tires types. I don't ride that much any way or do so exceeding anything but the speed limit by not much.