Cracked screen

Getting up to 80f today will put the temp gun on it to see what actually happens. I see a lot of protection and easy to stuff in a pocket or tail bag before riding off.
A screen condom? For the utmost in screen protection. Any chance you could find a ribbed shower cap?
Actually it is a good idea if you have to have your Rocket sit in the hot sun for any period of time. Cheap insurance.
A screen condom? For the utmost in screen protection. Any chance you could find a ribbed shower cap?
Actually it is a good idea if you have to have your Rocket sit in the hot sun for any period of time. Cheap insurance.
After sitting in sun for an hour the temps were. Tank 122.7f, rain bonnet while on clock 102f, clock face under bonnet after removing bonnet 89.3f. That was just a few degrees over ambient of 85f.
It was fine riding with bonnet over clock up to about 60mph, above that it started ballooning out, so I pulled it and stuck between my legs until next stop. Works for me.
I'm surprised you didn't get more "heat" (sorry) for choosing black over a lighter color. I think your temp readings show, at least, that any cover is going to be a big help- thanks for including those readings.

So, then, why do Bedouins wear black robes in hot deserts?
I got "grilled" a bit. It isn't black on the inside, the liner is a white woven mesh.
A screen condom? For the utmost in screen protection. Any chance you could find a ribbed shower cap?
Actually it is a good idea if you have to have your Rocket sit in the hot sun for any period of time. Cheap insurance.
I came out once from a lunch stop and gasoline was bubbling out the tank and running down onto the header, sizzling, and evaporating into the air. These beasts run hot and sun isn't their friend. It's like barbecuing a can of gasoline.
I came out once from a lunch stop and gasoline was bubbling out the tank and running down onto the header, sizzling, and evaporating into the air. These beasts run hot and sun isn't their friend. It's like barbecuing a can of gasoline.
Same thing happened to me (sort of). On my first fill-up on my brand new 2020 Rocket the gas cap let out a ton of air but the tank was almost empty so no problem but very weird. I then drove 1.5 miles home to put Seafoam in my tank about 1 or 2 hours after it sat in my garage. I opened the gas cap normally and got drenched in gas pouring out on me and the Rocket. The pipes were still hot but not hot enough to ignite. If I would have done it as soon as I got home I would have probably been a burnt marshmallow. I took it in and they replaced the new gas tank with 120 miles on it to another "New Gas tank." Just be careful releasing that gas cap and do it slow. I get a tight ass every time I fill up on gas to this day. If you came up behind me at the gas station when I open the gas cap and made a loud "Swoosh" sound I would in fact crap myself.
My 2020 (2021 model) Rocket 3 R also developed a crack. Taking it to the dealer this afternoon to get new tyre fitted and they'll do a goodwill claim with Triumph. Fingers crossed, new TFT will be about CHF 2012.-, unit alone, ex work. Also have corrosion on drive-shaft screws, cover plate for swingarm axle, front brake screws and the ABS-wheel on the back. Seems like they put high-end **** on with crap hardware. My 2001 Speed Triple doesnt have all those issues, and i really only take the Rocket out on nice days, but you cant avoid a rain spray or some road moisture every now and then. They quoted my CHF 450.- for replacing screws and ABS-wheel.

Being a little bit unhappy with my "premium" bike isnt an exaggeration.
So Triumph didnt honor my claim. My original dealer shrugs his shoulders and leaves me with a CHF 2012.- bill ex work. Seek new dealer, they say "yea, we understand your worries. we'll give you 35% off, so about CHF 1350.-". They also said, we'll talk to our Triumph represantative today and we'll get back to you. Triumph Switzerland also chips in and the Unit is now CHF 950.-, ex work. My mom tells me to call my insurance because I have extended, and now the bill is CHF 0.00. I got the work done at my new Dealer/shop, I've bought a pair of gloves there which were originally CHF 120.-, but bill was CHF 105.-, because they gave me a discount of 15% because "they felt like it". I've spent about CHF 30k at my old dealer. I've spent exactly those 105 bucks at my now new dealer so far, plus the insurance claim. I also have an oldish Speed Triple that I treat like a princess. Guess who's going to get my buisness from yesterday on?