Clutch drag/clunking into gear

Thanks, but I'm a bit confused now....the part I have bought is the lifter part that sits in the cover (the part that's worn in the previous pictures) I didn't buy any other parts that would necessitate removal of the clutch itself....have I got it wrong?

No you most likely haven't. I thought you bought the lifter piece also which is the piece the rides in the lifter shaft. If not disreguard my last post.
Glorious waste of bloody time and money that was!
Renewed the lifter.....absolutely no difference at all, still drags, still need to adjust all the free play and more out of it to stop it creeping in gear (which means the clutch will probably slip when I ride it. STILL Impossible to shift out of first into neutral when stopped unless I kill the engine......REALLY P***ED OFF!
The lifter part in the middle of the clutch (with the button on top, the part I've just replaced engages with)
How much free movement (free play) is there supposed to be in that?
Been reading up on similar clutch/tranny issues and some suggest that new/different oil might make a difference (maybe help the clutch disengage more fully????)
Anyone experience of this, if so can they recommend an oil for an oil change?
Am in the UK so may not have access to US makes
I am afraid to make any suggestions Simon for a couple reasons one being Benny's video post about changing his clutch has me bewildered. First its a 08 but turns out its just a titled/registered 07 in 08. Then to top it off I noticed it had the old style clutch in it from 04, 05 what makes it worse is even though its a year newer then my 06 it has a older engine by serial number.

Now to yours which you said was a 08 Classic in which the two tone colors tells me it at least was a classic. But with out have some pictures of th einternals I could not tell you what style clutch it has without looking. either one has slop in the lifter piece as oil comes thru the crankshaft to help lubricate the lifter piece bearing and the clutch fibers.

Its really hard trying to help figure out your problem since there are so many variables I do not know about. I went towards the clutch route even though I believe you said you bought a bike that was stolen because it is the cheaper route. thing I would look at since you might not know if anyone has ever been in it is the lifter shaft arm placement by this I mean is it lined up with the alignment mark on the shaft? since you have checked you cable I will not ask about it. If the lifter shaft was not damaged and not knowing if the bike had ever been apart I would next look at the clutch pack once I verified it was correct I would then unfortunaley wonder if soemthing like the shifting forks got bent some how. I do know a heavy shifting foot coupled by a missed shift can bend one or more of the shifting forks if the bike was stolen the operator might have thrashed it hard but without being able to inspect the bike I stayed away from shocking you about this possibility because in order to inspect it you have to pull the engine.

Now as for the oil do you know whats in it? if not I would recommend using what Triumph list whether its the Mobile 1 4RT or the Casteroil. either one will be great on a stock motor.

Didi you put the bike back together or once you noticed no wear on the lifter shaft did you stop and post above?
Thanks any advice is very much appreciated.
from what I know about the bike it was damaged by the (only) previous owner and while it was damaged and un-rideable, was stolen and loads of parts stolen. I'm pretty sure it has only been ridden by the PO, and as he loved and babied it, I was as sure as I could be it hadn't been abused.
When I removed the lifter shaft it all looked spotless in the engine, and I'm as sure as I can be it had never been opened up before.
There WAS a minuscule amount of wear on the lifter shaft, so I closed it right up and presumed I had found the problem.
I know the PO changed the oil regularly and I'm trying to find out from him what make/grade he used.
You know what? I've had enough....went out for a ride this afternoon, the gearbox is HORRIBLE! Can't change in and out of gear properly, clutch dragging, can't shift into neutral without turning engine's dreadful, I actually HATE riding the bike. I'm going to just sell it and let someone else sort out its "issues"
I think I might go back to a BMW.
I've had loads of BM's and never had any issues like this.
Sorry to hear this Simon but without having the bike here its hard to tell you whats wrong. It could be burn and warped steels in the clutch or it could very well be a gear box problem and not the clutch.
Always difficult to diagnose issues via the internet!
Especially difficult when I'm not the first and only owner and the bike has "history" I'd love to change out the clutch to see if that cures the problem, but (as always) lack of disposable income means that probably won't happen….I'll take a few days to calm down and decide what to do.
I can't deny that after making sure the lifter shaft is 100%, the warped clutch steel does make sense…...

Its to bad your on the other sid eof the pond I know I could put a complete set of OEM clutch fibers and steels togather for you out of my extras. Or at least supply the steels to save you some money. I would not give up hope yet especially if you have another ride. Hopefully it is the clutch because taking the engine out to work on the tranny is a lot of work if you have not done it before. At least a two day job pulling and re-installing it. then the time to figure out the problem, get the parts and fix her. I say she is worth it but I prefer the big beast over any other bike. I am picking one up soon that has a broken crankshaft it it. A 05 not sure what I am going to do with it yet but I am wondering if I can turn it into a big 240 hp Sprint :)

Of course I can always keep it as parts because I am hard on mine and do break stuff on her sometimes more then I want to. If I could only stop thrashing her !!!!!!!!!!!!